by Rotten Tanx_Archive
On the way home from a pub quiz last night we saw a car up ahead in the road all smashed up. We pulled over and a girl was staggering around with blood gushing from her head and her boyfriend trying to support her.
We got him to lie her down, got her a blanket and coat and called the police. His car had spun off the road and hit a lampost. Only his airbag had gone off.
Stood around for ages waiting for the ambulance to come. A few other people came to help though there was nothing much to do but stand and wait. The girl kept shouting "My skull, my skull!" but I think (hope) she just bumped her head pretty hard. After a while she calmed down.
Her boyfriend seemed relatively calm, considering the circumstances. In fact he left her lying with a group of strangers as he went back to his mangled car to retrieve his Sat Nav.
When the police finally showed up (still no sign of the ambulance) they seemed to ignore the girl and just take this guy into the back of their car. He came back five minutes later and said to his girlfriend, who was lying in the wet, cold grass, holding a strangers hand and panicking that her skull was broken, "I'm being arrested love, I'll see you later, love ya".
I wish I could have transfered her suffering to him at that moment. Cunt.
When I got home I felt like such a prick. I should react better than that in a crisis. I didn't remember my first aid training. I didn't know what to say to this girl or what important questions to ask her. I definitely could have found a better place for her to lie than in the wet grass though I couldn't decide whether she should be moved or not. I should have called the ambulance and not let my younger friend who didn't know how to describe the situation. I should have checked for other injuries. I should have throatpunched her drink driving, sat nav loving boyfriend. And blah blah blah. Retrospect is a wonderful thing.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.