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Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:48 am
by big_dave_Archive
Nina wrote:
big_dave wrote:Do you like raping girls from the front or the back?

You know what Dave?

Up until now I have just thought you were a self-righteous smug little prick, but damn boy, you have proven yourself to be an utter piece of fucking shit with that little comment.

Did I say fuck you?

No, I guess I didn't.

Fuck you.

Do you prefer getting raped from the front or the back?

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:51 am
by big_dave_Archive
Skronk wrote:
big_dave wrote:
Skronk wrote:I'd like to see help that doesn't rely on brackets, and forms, and empty promises. You, like Rand, are full of it.

The only promise I'll make to you is that you will grow out of conspiracy theories eventually.

There's nothing to grow out of, on this end. One day you might grow out of that socialist wet dream you're so fond of.

Well maybe when you start reading things first and forming your opinions afterwards?

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:11 am
by Earwicker_Archive
big_dave wrote:
Nina wrote:
big_dave wrote:Do you like raping girls from the front or the back?

You know what Dave?

Up until now I have just thought you were a self-righteous smug little prick, but damn boy, you have proven yourself to be an utter piece of fucking shit with that little comment.

Did I say fuck you?

No, I guess I didn't.

Fuck you.

Do you prefer getting raped from the front or the back?

Oh dear.

I didn't think there was a mark that could be stepped over on this forum

but I think you just stepped over it.

Anyone giggling at Dave's witty banter up to this point should take note of this comment from now on.

I'm presuming Nina s female. It takes a real big man to say something like that to a girl when there isn't someone nearby to smack you in the face.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:19 am
by big_dave_Archive
Earwicker wrote:
big_dave wrote:
Nina wrote:
big_dave wrote:Do you like raping girls from the front or the back?

You know what Dave?

Up until now I have just thought you were a self-righteous smug little prick, but damn boy, you have proven yourself to be an utter piece of fucking shit with that little comment.

Did I say fuck you?

No, I guess I didn't.

Fuck you.

Do you prefer getting raped from the front or the back?

Oh dear.

I didn't think there was a mark that could be stepped over on this forum

but I think you just stepped over it.

Anyone giggling at Dave's witty banter up to this point should take note of this comment from now on.

I'm presuming Nina s female. It takes a real big man to say something like that to a girl when there isn't someone nearby to smack you in the face.

More grandstanding from the Mary Whitehouse of EA's 9/11 Truth Trio. ... c98#545346

As you both cut out Bob's original question to me that (i assumed) was refering to the joke mentioned in that thread. If you don't find it funny when I do it, you're free to fuck off.

And in real life I'm likely to say worse.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:33 am
by run joe run_Archive
This thread has gone Wrong Paul.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:18 am
by Earwicker_Archive
big_dave wrote:More grandstanding from the Mary Whitehouse of EA's 9/11 Truth Trio.

Got the wrong man there Dave. As pointed out several times I don't agree with everything Rick says conspiracy wise. But I fail to see what this has to do with anything mentioned above(is this a 'strawman'?)
And I don't know where the 'grandstanding Mary Whitehouse' thing comes from. The 'grandstanding' is just ironic - coming from you - and though I don't like the way Rick hurls insults about I generally couldn't care a less what folks say to each other on here - it's the internet after all - however, as I stated in the post you quoted I suppose there's a line I didn't know was there - and - to me - you've crossed it.
You're free to cross it as often as you like I just hope people's estimation of you drops accordingly.

big_dave wrote:

As you both cut out Bob's original question to me that (i assumed) was refering to the joke mentioned in that thread. If you don't find it funny when I do it, you're free to fuck off.

I didn't see you anywhere on that thread (unusually, considering Rick's contributed to it).
But I see your defense is that you think what you said was funny.
Well, for me - even in relation to the linked post - it wasn't.
Are you honestly expecting me - or anyone else - to believe you didn't say what you said maliciously?

Your making yourself look pretty silly trying to hide behind that explanation.

And what's with hunting for past posts? I thought that was out of bounds. Or is that just for people you're arguing against?

big_dave wrote:And in real life I'm likely to say worse.

Then you must be a real hoot to know in real life then.

Fortunately, I expect, I'll never have the pleasure.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:19 am
by Earwicker_Archive
run joe run wrote:This thread has gone Wrong Paul.

Dave take notes - this is funny.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:23 am
by chet_Archive
This thread has gone completely RuPaul.


Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:43 am
by big_dave_Archive
The strawman is where you assume one of my political positions from something else that I've said and attack that. The grandstanding is the fact that you tend to stroll into threads and wring your hands over people being terribly personal, baiting and insulting. Oh Earwicker, aren't we all so cruel and against free speech?

Nothing I say on the internet is malicious, because it is the internet and it would be hard to single out something genuinely vicious in the chorus of "fuck you" that half the forum seems to crow up constantly.

I don't have a problem with anything you post, I don't have a problem with RR posts either. It's the internet and I'm sure most of us are members of forums where the standards are infinitely lower. I'm not telling you or Bob or anyone to fuck off. Aside from these hilarious political debates, I'm mostly here for the Tech Room and the anecdotes, two things that don't require my posting and my main point of contention is the willful thread hijacking that goes on when Rick isn't getting enough sweet sweet attention in threads about his usual hobby horses. God forbid someone else might have an opinion about current affairs, so he copy-pastes conspiracy nonsense in almost every "news" thread that comes up. This is retarded. Bob! Get a blog!

I am always curious about your habit of (occasionally) jumping on my arse when I make "over the line" comments, when we've had page after page of the following:

Code: Select all

moronic troll dummy spoiled Yuppies GO AWAY or SHUT UP moron Brain dead fake socialist banker-loving asshole Dickhead  idiotic ignorance grudge-infested crybabies banker-loving fake socialist sellout Tory, drunken malodorous sheep defiling poltroon zionist warmonger elitist racist douchebag pedestrian jerk-off idiot troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll full of shit lies lies liar drunk fake-liberal troll I should offer you diapers brainwashing total loser loser washed-up slave slave bigger losers drunk addict incestuous talking shit out their asses liberals liberals satanic con men baby murder gatekeeper  thought cop

which you don't seem to mind. I don't mind it that much either. And I don't mind you. So get off my cock. I'll decide what to say next time someone on the internet says "fuck you" to me.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:57 am
by emmanuelle cunt_Archive
Could someone add "70 pages?? WTF!" option?