big_dave wrote:The grandstanding is the fact that you tend to stroll into threads and wring your hands over people being terribly personal, baiting and insulting.
i don't think I've done this much at all. I piped up with Rick and Simmo cause i like em both and I thought Rick had just got the wrong end of the stick. Until my calling you on the rape 'joke' I don't recall wringing my hands over the insulting. misquoting maybe - but not insulting.
big_dave wrote:Oh Earwicker, aren't we all so cruel and against free speech?
No, just you. In the last couple of days you've complained about Rick giving his opinion in a thread and asked a girl how she would prefer to be raped. In my little black book of 'cruel' making rape jokes to girls is in the first couple of pages.
big_dave wrote:I am always curious about your habit of (occasionally) jumping on my arse when I make "over the line" comments,
Again I don't recall doing this. I've called you on the misquoting and jumped in if I thought you were being a hypocrite (which you frequently are) but the insults don't bother me - at least until that one.
big_dave wrote:when we've had page after page of the following:Code: Select all
moronic troll dummy spoiled Yuppies GO AWAY or SHUT UP moron Brain dead fake socialist banker-loving asshole Dickhead idiotic ignorance grudge-infested crybabies banker-loving fake socialist sellout Tory, drunken malodorous sheep defiling poltroon zionist warmonger elitist racist douchebag pedestrian jerk-off idiot troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll full of shit lies lies liar drunk fake-liberal troll I should offer you diapers brainwashing total loser loser washed-up slave slave bigger losers drunk addict incestuous talking shit out their asses liberals liberals satanic con men baby murder gatekeeper thought cop
which you don't seem to mind.
Yeah, but Dave you see most of that is funny.
Again, there's a line for me. Just a while ago you were teamed up with HappyandBored who got upset cause of Rick suggesting some depressive cases are just lazy and that might push some folks to self harm (I believe you were in on all that).
You just asked a girl how she'd like to be raped!
For me those two things come on different sides of my newly discovered line - but then maybe I just had a peculiar upbringing or something.
Enough anyway, I am going to ignore you for the time being.
I just think if you have some decency you'll PM Nina and apologise for what you said above. But do what you like. For all I know she might have found it hilarious.
She might not even be a she.