Monroe Mustang

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Not Crap.
Total votes: 6 (100%)
Total votes: 6

band: Monroe Mustang


this is my favourite record.,
Plain Sweeping Themes for the Unprepared

beautiful, home-recorded splashy drums, lethargic, baby's pulse tempos, sly Byrds'-like hooks that work their way under your skin. some of the most competent slow and even players.

the one above was the full length on Trance Syndicate (Bedhead). austin's first in space. two ep's on Jagjaguwar and one on Emperor Jones, then they disbanded.

anyone? anyone?

band: Monroe Mustang

I picked up I Am the Only Running Footman and The Elephant Sound on a trip to St. Louis a few months ago, based on a recommendation from someone. I don't remember who made this recommendation, but I thank them, because this is a fine rock band. I need to get more of their albums.

Easily NOT CRAP.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

band: Monroe Mustang

I haven't heard anything recorded.

I'm sure I must've seen them at some point when I'd lived in Austin, probably at some bar like the Hole in Wall. I'm sure I was being drunk and lecherous, and therefore anything musical going on was secondary.

I'm sure they have good songs and whatnot, and I hope I'd never really associate them with Austin douche-rockers like Paul Minor's (or however that idiot bouncer's name is spelled) Superego...still, I just can't remember them having much of an impact on me.

I dunno...maybe I just didn't like music sober when I lived in Austin.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

band: Monroe Mustang

Sox wrote:I'd heard they all died in a mysterious accident! This is great news!

they actually all died in spectacular ways:

Monroe Mustang’s Jason Stout remembers the reasons for the band’s extended hiatus, "Ah, our big break-up. I remember it well. It was just another out of control night back at 4700 RR...We finally made the firm, unquestionable, hard decision that we were breaking up, and then things get disjointed...hazy...Michael, shirtless and armed, shooting randomly at passing cars and shouting ’It’s over for you, too!’ to anyone who tried to stand at the bus stop...Chris and Brian had already taken Taylor’s limo ’to get some ESB’ by way of backyards; the meth that once filled the trunk now coursing through their veins -- they made it to Caswell before SWAT finally took them out. I stayed there in the house, cowering in the shower, fully clothed, for as long as I could...when I finally emerged, soaked in water and my own urine, there was Taylor, in the kitchen. He had doused himself in whiskey, and was just about to light the match..."It’s better to burn out..." he whispered, and then shot me in the chest with a crossbow. But that big, official break-up that we had, that’s in the past now."

and this band photo is really creepy:

(and yes, I see what they did there)

I like the new record okay. It's the first one that didn't sink its teeth in right away, but it sounds exquisite.
kerble is right.

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