The Today Show: Downfall of the American Culture?

Total votes: 5 (100%)
not crap (No votes)
Total votes: 5

" News" Program: The Today Show

I'm gonna start off this beeyatch with a big, fat CAARRRRAP!

Fuck this show. I see it every morning cuz it's on where I work and am amazed at the fucking dribble that passes for news.

It's like this: "......and then they pulled the mangled, rotten African-American body from the virus-infested cesspool. And later, teaching your dog to cook. That's later on the Today show."

I don't know. Maybe it's just me but Katie Couric seems too clueless and square for me to really buy into.

Alexis Glick? I'll buy into that! Boy, would I buy into that........

" News" Program: The Today Show

This show is always on when I'm getting ready for work in the mornings because I sleep with the TV on. It is CRAP, but I think I'm in love with Ann Curry.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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