TV Show: Family Guy
6total crap. tries to rip of "simpsons" but lacks the wit and sophistication, comes off more like "the critic". "simpsons" works on many levels, "Family guy" is one dimensional and boring.
TV Show: Family Guy
8Family Guy...better than simpsons? yes....yes it is. dont be silly.
family guy is not crap.
family guy is not crap.
TV Show: Family Guy
9tons of people i know go gaga over "Family Guy" and while it's funny at times, it never supplies the laughter that say "The Simpsons, "Aqua Teen," or "Sealab 2021" do. plus the drawing is really shitty.
on the other hand stewie rips, so this is a toughy....
....not crap, maybe a queef?
on the other hand stewie rips, so this is a toughy....
....not crap, maybe a queef?
TV Show: Family Guy
10CRAP. Maybe I'll give it another chance, but that means one more TV show and less time for anything else. I guess I just talked myself out of it. Crap it is.