George Carlin

Total votes: 5 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 57 (92%)
Total votes: 62

Comic: George Carlin

Can't believe this hasn't been done yet.


My favorite comedian, even though his pre-1980 material is tame and pretty much unfunny by todays standards. But post-1980, when he started to turn into a cranky old man is when he became a legend in my book.

"Have you ever noticed that all the people against abortion are the same type of people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"

"Fuck the children"

"Religion is the greatest bullshit story of all time. You're telling me that there's a man in the sky who we can't see, but knows everything you do, and has a list of rules, and if you break those rules, he will send you to burning pit where you will tortured and burned for all eternity!......But he loves you. AND HE NEEDS MONEY!"
Pre-Natal Pretties Northeast Regional Champ 1988

Comic: George Carlin

I grew up listening to carlin. His first record, take off and put-ons, is terrific. It features no profanity either. He was still kind of a "straight" comic when that was recorded. It's a really interesting contrast from what he eventually became known for. I saw him live a few years ago and i'm not exaggerating when i say that from the moment he walked out onstage & spoke until the moment he walked off the stage, i was laughing hysterically. He was masterful performer.

Totally not crap.

Comic: George Carlin

"two minutes, get your shit together."

the whole death and dying bit, actually.

when i used to get stoned with friends and we'd be sitting around bullshitting, i would really get into trying to explain weird little stupid ideas. i'm not stoned now so i can't really give an example. but my best friend and i would spend hours trying to crack each other up talking our shit. we started listening to Carlin together. Occupation Foole, Class Clown, a few others. it seemed to us like Carlin was explaining life while he was stoned, all that conviction about the tiny little details. we were instantly smitten. now, 15 years later my friend and i still have Carlin bits that are part of our dialogue with each other. for example, if he calls me on the phone, one of us might say "how's your god damned dog?" in Carlinvoice. and it's a perfectly normal way for one of us to ask how the other is doing.

Comic: George Carlin

Schaal wrote:I should have prefaced that stand-up wise, Carlin is never crap.

I'll second that. I've seen the man several times and he never fails to deliver the goods. I got to interview him for a community paper a few years back and he was a really smart, very perceptive guy, which is a nice bonus to being one of the best and most reliable stand-up comics in Americs for, what, over thirty years?

Oh, and he was in both Bill & Ted movies! Very not crap.

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