by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
I predict no Edwards. I feel like, the way it's working now, it's one strike and you're out. I realize that history contains examples of men who ran for president and lost, and later ran and won. But for some reason (and I'd love for Edwards to prove me wrong) I feel like nowadays, once you've been there and lost (whether for President or for VP), you're a "loser" for life. Again, I'd love to be wrong. I predict 2008 will not see Sens. Obama or Clinton running. I don't think Clinton is an impossibility, but I do think she's a long shot. If Obama runs at the right time, I feel very good about his chances. Not 2008. In general, I feel like election year n will usually see a Democratic candidate that was fairly low profile until late n-1 (unless it's a sitting president running for reelection). Unless you're a political junkie, the only guy you've heard of that I can see in the running for '08 would be Mark Warner. These are just feelings; I wouldn't bet on them.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.