EA Comp. Progress Report

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has expressed interest and assistence in this thing. I'm receiving a fair number of e-mails from will-be contributors, and I look forward to hearing everything. If any of you are still planning on contributing, but have not sent something yet, no worries. Just remember to include a blank cdr and/or a couple bucks to cover postage. Also, if you are sending me a collection of songs and know which one you would like to be used, please tell me so. If you are sending a song by itself, please choose one that doesn't exceed much past 5 minutes. If this is unavoidable, then let me know and we'll work something out. Nothing is written in stone, and it will remain that way until I've received everybody's contributions. As I said, I expect at least a couple months to go by from right now before this thing is ready for duplication. Until then, keep the e-mails coming!
Much obliged,


EA Comp. Progress Report

not only were you taken for five bucks, but it went to my swiss bank account with all the others. you understand, however, I could not help but launder the EA comp. money and then sell the stock at the last minute in order to further my corporate stronghold. And I am still receiving contributions, so I was going to post this week that the cutoff date will be the last day of March. Thanks for playing!

much obliged,

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