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Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:36 pm
by Piccoman2_Archive
So I'm going to get digitalized here quite shortly. I have a PC that can handle the newest software. I just wanted to get opinions on what software you'd recommend specifically between Samplitude or Sonar (newer versions). I'm coming from the "I've never recorded digitally but I'm am fairly computer literate" (built my own computer ect...) category so I'd like it to resemble working with a tape machine and mixing with a consuel ect... Any advice / opinions would be greatly appreciated...


ps - w/ Windows, is XP home edition ok to be using? I have a 64 bit AMD chip so I was looking at XP64 but that seems a little "new" to be trying with bugs and other issues such as my lack of digital recording experience...

Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:59 pm
by dre_Archive
I prefer Cubase SX to Sonar. I've had great luck with it, and the interface makes sense to me.

Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:31 pm
by NLMD311_Archive
You also might want to look into Tracktion 2 also. Can be had for about $150 just about anywhere and seems like a really cool program. I had a trial version of Tracktion (the original version) and really liked it... only thing that was a little odd to me was the mixing. It did operate like a tape machine though. Nice big Record, Play, Fast Forward, Rewind, and Stop buttons and stupidly simple layout and learning curve. Pretty fun and powerful tool. And if you are thinking of using samples the layout makes it so smooth and easy.

Just a thought.
You can download a demo here:


Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:31 pm
by lickthestar_Archive
I second Cubase, it's the most intuitive for someone comming from analog recording, and it's the most flexable. Also great if you use your DAW as a compositional tool like I do.

Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:16 pm
by scott_Archive

I have Adobe Audition, and use it, and like it. I could get a disc to you so you could evaluate it.


PS - what'd you think of that recording of y'all from the Beat Kitchen? Likey, no likey, meh?

PPS - tell Rich I got the baritone today. No pickups in it yet. Very soon.

Opinions: Samplitude or Sonar? .... (or something else??)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:31 am
by Long_Shaded_Eyes_Archive
Sonar is the best for me . Very fast to understand.