Can anyone recommend a good recording school in London, UK??

i'm currently at SAE in london. it's a 1 year audio engineering course so as well as recording theres also mastering, pro tools, surround sound. the first few months is pure theory (acoustics, basic electronics, synthesis) obviously its not perfect but there is a shitload of info at your fingertips and like anything else i suppose you get out what you put in. if u want to know more just ask as i've just spent 6 hours on the SSL and am now on a mission to get drunk :?

Can anyone recommend a good recording school in London, UK??

Can I just add something to your thoughts?

If you are serious about a career in the industry - don't go to audio school go to your nearest decent studio and start hanging out at sessions, go and see bands - plug yourself into your music scene and get to know people.

Anybody is very lucky to be offered a position after an audio school - not saying it doesn't happen - but even if you do want to go to audio school make sure you get into the music scene and hang out at a studio and get to know people.

This advice is only useful if you seriously want a career. How can you tell if you want a career in this industry - most of the time you live, eat and breath music - if you have a vague interest well don't waste your time and money. Hope you work something out.


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