Two Questions For Steve

one time i saw steve and he wearing that jump suit with a E on it and he said to 'dont ask me when the question with my suit you assholE!!!! i told him shut up and he got rilly mad. and he start makeing this fist and shakeing like hes gonna punch me so and i said YYYEAH STEVE BRING IT ON YOU GIRL!!!!!!! and made a fist at him like i was gonna punch steve right in his e but then he turned too quick and i couldnt see what he was gonna do but then he ran over and punched mom in the legs and she fell. wheen she got to got up to fight him back he grabbed a bucket of chickens and thru it on her and she cryed. it made me rilly rilly mad so i yelled I"LL GET YOU STEVE ALBEENY and grabbed his jump suit to throw him at it but i got my hanned caught on his sleev and hurt my finger. when we got home and mom stopped crying on the way home we stopped off for some cheesy breads but i knew some day i would get steve back rilly good for what he did to moms leg so YES HE IS FRENCH MOTHERUCKER!!!!!!!!! you know

Two Questions For Steve

i got this one wrote:one time i saw steve and he wearing that jump suit with a E on it and he said to 'dont ask me when the question with my suit you assholE!!!! i told him shut up and he got rilly mad. and he start makeing this fist and shakeing like hes gonna punch me so and i said YYYEAH STEVE BRING IT ON YOU GIRL!!!!!!! and made a fist at him like i was gonna punch steve right in his e but then he turned too quick and i couldnt see what he was gonna do but then he ran over and punched mom in the legs and she fell. wheen she got to got up to fight him back he grabbed a bucket of chickens and thru it on her and she cryed. it made me rilly rilly mad so i yelled I"LL GET YOU STEVE ALBEENY and grabbed his jump suit to throw him at it but i got my hanned caught on his sleev and hurt my finger. when we got home and mom stopped crying on the way home we stopped off for some cheesy breads but i knew some day i would get steve back rilly good for what he did to moms leg so YES HE IS FRENCH MOTHERUCKER!!!!!!!!! you know

i have no idea who you are or where the fuck you're coming from with all this "and then steve hit mom" cheesy bread schtck, but i'll be damned if i'm not rolling on the floor laughing half the time. i have no idea why, exaclty.

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