The Warren Commision

Crap-You're telling me a bullet took a 90 degree turn in midair?
Total votes: 10 (77%)
Not Crap-All you fringe anarchists should get lives
Total votes: 3 (23%)
Total votes: 13

Government Hoax: The Warren Commission

Some people think the JFK assassination was a coup and the death of democracy in this country. Then again, most people in this country believe that the majority of the earth's population will burn in hell.

Me? I don't know. Haven't read enough about it.

I saw Penn & Teller debunk the whole "back and to the left" angle on Bullshit!. That was interesting. I'd like to hear from any experts on the subject. Anyone?


Government Hoax: The Warren Commission

Rogue agents within the Military, CIA and the Chicago mob working together killed JFK. They all had major axes to grind with the man and the leadership of said factions at the time were not at all above or beyond pulling this off. They DESPISED him, considered him weak, a traitor and a liar.
Oswald was a goofball they set up to take the blame. I'm not saying he wasn't ONE of the shooters, as he most certainly was....just not the only one, and he didn't know the whole story himself.
I was obsessed with this for years when I was younger and read every bit of information I could find on this subject and that's the conclusion I came to.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Government Hoax: The Warren Commission

The Warren Commission was just a pr stunt by Johnson to stop a possible war with Castro, because so many elements were trying to instigate war between the US and Cuba because of the assasignation. The report was there to prove that Castro had nothing to do with it and was filled with mistakes....not conspiracy. It's just a shoddy investigation.

Oswald killed JFK on his own, easily. If you're still convinced by the Oliver Stone movie, you're in bad shape.

Government Hoax: The Warren Commission

I think the explanation behind all those assasignations happening at that period can be found in basic crowd psychology. It was a very dramatic and irrational peroid of time and crowds of people pushing and deconstructing in such a fury usually end up producing a lot of people who want to be remembered for something significant.....just look at the french revolution and be amazed.

Government Hoax: The Warren Commission

Looking to penn and teller for an unbiased look at the jfk assignation is like looking to south park for humor...just aint happening.

i live in dallas. about two miles away from dealy plaza. i drive past it almost every day i am in town and let me tell you something. oswald was not the only shooter i would bet my eyes on it.

while standing behind the fence at the grassy knoll one thing is painfully clear....a fucking bat with astigmatism, a bad prescription in 100 percent fog could have hit him.

standing up in the book depo building....not on your life.
Last edited by congleton_Archive on Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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