Fender Jaguar Bass (???)

escept for the block inlays, i like how it looks.
anyways it´s a bit of a pity that they just recycled one body style with a bass and that´s it. perhaps positioning the switches and shit in a different fashion, so at least it looks like they made some extra effort in it.
also, making it short scale or at least 30' could have been a good idea.
s.f.m.c.e --> sorry for my crappy english

Fender Jaguar Bass (???)

vance wrote:Why a short scale? Does anyone actually use a short scale bass? I tried and I can't! It just doesn't work for me. I guess my question is, what' the point of a short scale?

People with small hands/bodies like me... It's more fun because they're not as hard on the back. It's easier to move around with a short scale. Mustangs sound alright, but it's hard to get decent tone out of short scale basses on the lower notes.

Fender Jaguar Bass (???)

vance wrote:Why a short scale? Does anyone actually use a short scale bass? I tried and I can't! It just doesn't work for me. I guess my question is, what' the point of a short scale?

Sometimes it's a useful thing. Makes it easier for guitarists to double. I often use my Danelectro bass, and still very much love my old Dan Armstrong plexiglass bass. Both short scales.

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