colorado football mom

i'm seriously not an angry person all the time. i promise. but i'm watching msnbc cause they're mostly talking politics which i like to stay abreast of. and then they go into an interview with a mother and a couple fathers of some colorado football players, and they're talking about how unfair the whole situation is, for the school, and specifically for thier kids, these good boys who love america and have good values and just love to play football. and this mother is talking about how terrible it is, how unfair it is for these poor boys. they're afraid to go to the mall wearing their CU things, afraid even to walk around campus wearing their CU things, because they get funny looks and they get jeered at. WTF!?!?! what the hell planet is she living on? oh no, these poor football boys, afraid that they'll get jeered! aren't these the same guys who are behind such great accomplishments as leaving the gay kid for dead on a fence and driving fucked up kids to columbine kinda shit? after decade after decade of being the assholes behind the angst of millions of teens, probably BILLIONS of teens, the poor, poor football boys are getting jeered! fucking unbelieavble!

and yeah, i realize i'm generalizing and talking about archetypes and not specific people here, but still. and i realize this woman is a mom, so she's blinded to whatever extent. her boy probably is truly an angel, and not one of the clowns that rapes kids up the ass with broomsticks.

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