Hate italian songs in e minor

I have read this, Steve has said: "Porco Dio! Bradley R. Weissenberger, I know so much this feeling."
"Porco Dio!", this expression means that God is a pig, it is not a phrase that you would expect from a religious one. However, Steve says also:"I love Nina's music, I love her songs, I love her voice, I love her band, and I love the way she works with her musicians and Kennan in a trusting, open-hearted way. That's why her records are good, and so I love the records too.

I feel the same way about porn."

it is perfectly true that in a society without religion would not exist not even the porn, a thing born what as consequence of a millenarian repression. In fact, sex is natural fact what exactly like eating and sleeping, or not?

So, are you religious Steve?

I think Steve is good, but the story above is not good.

Hate italian songs in e minor

Yes, it's true. English is a poor lenguage. Instead here, berluscolandia, we have the Italian, one rich super language. Perhaps it can be helpful for you all to know that stupid, in Italy, it can also be said like this: stolto, sciocco, scemo, cretino, imbecille, idiota, deficiente, ritardato, tonto, mongoloide, balordo, babbeo, grullo, scimunito, minchione, coglione, fesso, gonzo...

Hate italian songs in e minor

ddddd wrote:Yes, it's true. English is a poor lenguage. Instead here, berluscolandia, we have the Italian, one rich super language. Perhaps it can be helpful for you all to know that stupid, in Italy, it can also be said like this: stolto, sciocco, scemo, cretino, imbecille, idiota, deficiente, ritardato, tonto, mongoloide, balordo, babbeo, grullo, scimunito, minchione, coglione, fesso, gonzo...

note that you can address a Berlusconi voter with all of those expressions.

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