Please Tell Me About You

Hello. I'm active on another board and am likely to construct threads based on finding out personal information about board members. If the spirit moves you please take the time to answer these questions.


Do you have any brothers or sisters?

When was the last time that you've cried?

Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones?

What was the last good CD/LP that you've purchased?

What do you see if you look directly to your right?

What was the last book that you've read?

Are you single or in a relationship?

Oustide of this board, what is your nickname?

Can you recall your very first music purchse? If so, what is it?

Please list three bands that you enjoy immensely:

Please list three bands that you don't like so much:

Have you ever,

Moshed: Y/N
Slam-danced: Y/N
Stage-dived: Y/N
Skanked: Y/N
Break-danced: Y/N

Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Do you believe in alien lifeforms?

Have you ever thought about same-sex experimentation? Please be adult and mature about this question.

How do you align yourself politically?

Have you ever been in a protest march? If so, which one?

How would you describe your parents?

Are your parents still alive?

Do you drink alcohol?

If at all applicable, post a pic of yourself here:

What song do you want to be played at your funeral?

What color socks are you wearing?

Are you a handyperson?

What game(s) did you enjoy the most in your childhood?

What was the last thing that you said?

Have you ever spent more than $100 on a pair of jeans?

Describe your favorite band in one word:

Are you athletic?

Are you shy?

Have you ever been arrested? A Y/N will suffice, but if you feel like expanding on the matter please do.

Why do you enjoy this board?

Thank you, and God bless.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Please Tell Me About You

I wear argyle socks maybe 5 days out of the week.


If I look directly to my right I see my TB500, Fender Pro Junior amp (on a wheely cart) and one of those Chris Ware Acme Novelty Library bookstore cardboard displays (with the Quimbies mice making comics on an assembly line)

I think it would be against my religion to purchase a pair of jeans for more than $49.99.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Please Tell Me About You

Age/Sex/Location? 35, Male, Chicago

Do you have any brothers or sisters? One older brother and one younger sister

When was the last time that you've cried? Two years ago at my mother's funeral

Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones? I moderate a forum on the Flaming Lips BBs

What was the last good CD/LP that you've purchased? They Shoot Horses Don't They - Boo Hoo Hoo Boo

What do you see if you look directly to your right? Teac four-track reel-to-reel

What was the last book that you've read? You Can't Win by Jack Black

Are you single or in a relationship? single

Oustide of this board, what is your nickname? Scandal or Skeet

Can you recall your very first music purchse? If so, what is it? Kiss - Alive II

Please list three bands that you enjoy immensely: Cows, Loop, Unrest

Please list three bands that you don't like so much: Radiohead, My Dad is Dead, Neil Young

Have you ever,

Moshed: Y
Slam-danced: Y
Stage-dived: N
Skanked: Y
Break-danced: Y

Do you believe in God? Difficult question, but, No

Do you believe in the supernatural? I'd like to, but, No

Do you believe in alien lifeforms? yeah

Have you ever thought about same-sex experimentation? Please be adult and mature about this question. I've thought about different-sex experimentation

How do you align yourself politically? Sadly apathetic, left-leaning

Have you ever been in a protest march? If so, which one? I marched with the Stonewall Democrats in Pride 2001

How would you describe your parents? Dead

Are your parents still alive? I said that they're dead

Do you drink alcohol? Lots of it

If at all applicable, post a pic of yourself here:


What song do you want to be played at your funeral? Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Lay Me Low

What color socks are you wearing? White

Are you a handyperson? Yup

What game(s) did you enjoy the most in your childhood? games in which you had to run

What was the last thing that you said? I'll call you later

Have you ever spent more than $100 on a pair of jeans? yeah

Describe your favorite band in one word: good

Are you athletic? yeah

Are you shy? nah

Have you ever been arrested? A Y/N will suffice, but if you feel like expanding on the matter please do. I was jailed for putting a bumper sticker reading "It's Right To Rebel" on a police car

Why do you enjoy this board? Lots of reasons. The main ones are that I get to find out about unheard musics, and y'all really funny. I mean, like, really funny
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Please Tell Me About You

H-GM wrote:What do you see if you look directly to your right?

Stereo and some artwork that hasn't sold. And lots of wine.

H-GM wrote:What was the last book that you've read?

The Baron in the Trees by Italo Calvino.

H-GM wrote:Are you single or in a relationship?

Seeing a fellow.

H-GM wrote:Oustide of this board, what is your nickname?


H-GM wrote:Have you ever,

Moshed: Y/N
Slam-danced: Y/N
Stage-dived: Y/N
Skanked: Y/N
Break-danced: Y/N

I was just talking to Angus Jung about the energy/violence at shows in the days of yore...I have done the above, save the skanky thing. Not that kind of girl.
H-GM wrote:Have you ever thought about same-sex experimentation? Please be adult and mature about this question.

yes, I went to college.

H-GM wrote:How do you align yourself politically?

I fight the power.

H-GM wrote:Have you ever been in a protest march? If so, which one?


H-GM wrote:How would you describe your parents?

ex-mormon con and a subservient hippy

H-GM wrote:Do you drink alcohol?


H-GM wrote:What song do you want to be played at your funeral?

we've done this

H-GM wrote:What color socks are you wearing?

nude fishnet tights. I wear a lot of argyles, too. Salut, Burun!

H-GM wrote:Are you a handyperson?


H-GM wrote:What game(s) did you enjoy the most in your childhood?

Clue and the "beat the brother" game

H-GM wrote:What was the last thing that you said?

"Thank you." I meant it, too.

H-GM wrote:Have you ever spent more than $100 on a pair of jeans?

No. This surprises me.

H-GM wrote:Describe your favorite band in one word:


H-GM wrote:Are you athletic?

it's winter. ferq erf.

H-GM wrote:Are you shy?


H-GM wrote:Have you ever been arrested? A Y/N will suffice, but if you feel like expanding on the matter please do.


H-GM wrote:Why do you enjoy this board?

smart punk rockers.
Last edited by itchy mcgoo_Archive on Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

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