
Total votes: 10 (31%)
Not crap
Total votes: 22 (69%)
Total votes: 32

Viking: Burzum

DrAwkward wrote:Since this was posted under the "Viking" catagory, are we evaluating more than the music? Because i haven't heard any of his music, but that whole thing where he killed a dude was kinda lame, although it made for pretty compelling reading.

It is also rumoured that he made a nice stew after the Mayhem leadsinger guy blew his brains out.

A nice, brainy stew.

I just read up on him a little, it appears he will be released from prison sometime next month.

Göd bëwärë.

Viking: Burzum

same wrote:
sunlore wrote:I just read up on him a little, it appears he will be released from prison sometime next month.

Göd bëwärë.

didn't he escape from prison a couple years ago?

In October 2003, Vikernes failed to return to his low-security prison in Tønsberg, Norway, after having been granted a short leave. Vikernes was apprehended by police after hijacking a car. He was found with an unloaded AG-3 assault rifle, 700 rounds of ammunition, a number of smaller weapons, a handheld GPS system, communications systems, a PC, military uniforms, a bullet proof vest, and camouflage clothes [3]. He received an additional sentence of 14 months for the incident – somewhat less than the 22 months wanted at the trial – and has been moved to a maximum-security prison in Trondheim. Varg stated in a recent interview that he should, under Norwegian law, be released in mid-2006 on probation, though he is not very optimistic.


Viking: Burzum

same wrote:great stuff until he went all casio on our asses. not crap.

I believe his leanings toward the Casio have largely been determined by security regulations in his new home.

I doubt the decision to bust out the Casio on our asses was made willingly.
Last edited by Mazec_Archive on Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Viking: Burzum

Mazec wrote:
same wrote:great stuff until he went all casio on our asses. not crap.

I believe his leanings toward the Casio have largely been determined by security regulations in his new home.

I doubt the decision to bust out the Casio on our asses made willingly.

You are correct in your assumption. Varg actually has been allowed to have an acoustic guitar in his cell and is apparently writing new material. Should he be released on parole next month, there will be new Burzum material released in the future. Supposedly it will be in the vein of "Filosofem." Varg is an interesting person for certain. I may not agree with everything he has to say (all needs to be taken with a grain of salt) but I respect his intelligence. His writings always seem to at least be thought provoking. Varg's recent writings can be found on the official Burzum site: www.burzum.org Most are esoteric writings not of much relevance to anyone who is not pagan. Although the "Burzum Story" pieces may be interesting to fans of his music. There are also a few interviews and Varg's review of "Lords of Chaos" in which he states his position on those events.

Viking: Burzum

i just picked up Hvis lyset tar oss today. musically, i think it's fantastic. the recording of the vocals leaves something to be desired (could they be mixed down? reverb'd? compressed? _something_ to make them sound less like a guy screaming into a four-track in his bedroom.) but on the whole i'm very impressed.

as for him, as a person/viking, he's... interesting. i won't say one way or another. i think he makes some fascinating points at times, but i also think he's fucking nuts. the mythical racism is what i find least appealing. still, i find him interesting, in the same way that someone would find John Wayne Gacy or Jeffery Dahmer to be "interesting"

not crap.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

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