does/has Shellac ever play(ed) "Didnt we deserve a look at you the way you really are" live?
i played it in the cd store i work at today and watched people walk out after about the 3rd minute of it. probably bad business practice, but the lady would probably just bought a used josh groban cd yapped on her cellphone.
just curious
Dumb Shellac Question
2They played it when I saw them here in New York a few years back. Steve said something to the effect of "This is our last song. It's really long and it doesn't change so if you don't like it you can just leave now." I didn't leave but I did go to the bar for a drink.
Dumb Shellac Question
3I saw 'em play it new years day 98 at 10 am. I believe it was the first song. It was long... i remember people cheering when that bass fill came in.
Dumb Shellac Question
4I have two mp3s of them playing this live; one is 5:00 long and just fades out, and the other version I have is about 12 minutes long.
Dumb Shellac Question
5'98 new years day show... saw it there.
'98 SF great american show, played it, didn't see it.
2 of the 3 LA shows at the knitting factory i witnesssed it.
plus more, I'm sure
'98 SF great american show, played it, didn't see it.
2 of the 3 LA shows at the knitting factory i witnesssed it.
plus more, I'm sure
Dumb Shellac Question
6I have seen them play it many times, it is one of my favorite songs. I saw them play it in 96, well before Terraform came out, it was the second to last song they played (the last was a blindfolded vers of "spoke", steve:"this is not an encore") and I remember it going for forever, like todd was stuck or something. truly amazing. I attempted to describe to some friends who weren't at the show and couldn't ever find the right words.
that was a fucking great show now that I think about it
that was a fucking great show now that I think about it
Dumb Shellac Question
7They ended their first show in Dublin in 1998 with it. It was pretty damn good too.
Dumb Shellac Question
8wiggins wrote:i played it in the cd store i work at today and watched people walk out after about the 3rd minute of it. probably bad business practice, but the lady would probably just bought a used josh groban cd yapped on her cellphone.
Funny story. I used to work in this dumpy thrift store where only complete lunatics would shop/steal. It was pretty great because the only employees were my roommate and myself. The owner came maybe once a week and hated the store and the customers almost as much as we did. This was nice because it gave us the freedom to be as rude as we wanted with ever nutbar that tried to steal and/or bargin for a discount on a $1 tee shirt...especially after we got word the place was going under and we would be out of jobs in a few months anyway.
We rigged up this ghetto sound system from donated parts and managed to get a fairly decent turntable and tape player and god awful speakers up in each corner of that dump. When things got busy, I loved to put that song on.
People would come by the counter and say, "I think your record is skipping." I would sometimes play it a few times in a row when I needed to clear out that place.
Dumb Shellac Question
9Dear Steve,
Is this endorsed by Shellac?
Is this endorsed by Shellac?
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Dumb Shellac Question
10Skronk wrote:Dear Steve,
Is this endorsed by Shellac?
Funny, I don't think Steve is that smaller than Bob or Todd. Why do most people think Steve is small?