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Film: Soul Plane

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:10 pm
by Eksvplot_Archive
Soul Plane, anyone?


i'd never even heard of this film before. last night i saw it on tv. most of it. coulda watched the Cocteau version of Beauty & The Beast, but my brains were mush, and for some sick reason i felt the need to watch Soul Plane. most of it.

to be honest, there were a few funny parts, and it's tough to take a movie like Soul Plane all that seriously, but after the "arab bashing" scene :shock: i really did get the feeling i was witness something on the scale of a great plane wreck.

until i fell asleep.

anyone else seen this?

Film: Soul Plane

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:21 pm
by kenoki_Archive
actually i first saw this movie at this weird guy's apartment. he was getting ready to transition from temp-work/dishwashing to becoming a world famous hip hop mc and had us listening to his tracks with the idea that we'd help him produce. uh... ha! i got so high that evening and ended up watching a bootleg version of soul plane in their living room with his girlfriend, some collard greens, her cousin, his cousin, his friend, his friend's cousin and like 7 blunts. now i wonder what happened to that guy. i do not however wonder why i haven't seen soul plane again. it was pretty funny at parts, yeah. but tom arnold... man i understand the point... but i also don't. holy shit. could they have cast any worse white actors? of course, since there was only one and a half of us white people in the room (i being the half) we were sort of forced to laugh at parts i didn't otherwise think were very funny. his cousin was scary and very into the movie.

Film: Soul Plane

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:26 pm
by Bartok_Archive
i went through a phrase with a friend where we'd try and find the worst film ever made.

we stopped doing that after soul plane. so bad snoop dogg dies.