Beyer M130 service info...

Hey all,
I work in a repair shop in Australia and have come across some forgotten repairs that im able to keep. One of which is an old silver bodied M130,
only thing is I cant seem to get the sucker open. It seems to have a small screw near the base but no actual notch for the tool to go. Am I missing something here or is it fkked?
Also it has what seems, a 5 pin din connector. Can anyone point me in the right direction to a wiring diagram so I can make an adaptor to XLR.

PS. If anyone has a manual for this mic they'd like to share, that'd be great too!

Beyer M130 service info...

So, is it faulty?

You migh want to send it to Beyer...

Greg here might know how to open one - I've never opened one myself.

Beyer have the manual on their website, and perhaps you can ask them or ENAK how to open it.

I'm not sure about the 5-pin DIN - they are usually 3-pin. I'd probably figure it out by trial-and error starting with a multimeter to find the earth pin. Do not try to measure the +ve and -ve output pins with a multimeter as you will cause the ribon to stretch, or worse blow.

Beyer M130 service info...

Yeah, I can hear something rattling around in the head. Its actually 6 pins...
kind of a cresent with one in the middle.
the ones I came across all had different connectors.
there is an AKg D19 with a din connector, a Neumann KM86 with a mini XLR and an un terminated cord coming out of a Altec 639b.

I need to make the adaptors so I can check out what shape they are in, but Im starting to think about sending it to Beyer since we dont service mics usually and I dont want to mess it up. There is a guy called Gunter Wagner who does U47 remakes here in Sydney so I might send to Neumann to him.
Dont know about the others. Any suggestions on who could service an Altec 639b and an AKG D19?
Ill be pretty happy if I can get em working and added to my mic closet since I found em!
thanks for your reply.

Beyer M130 service info...


The rattling in the M130 could be the plastic resonator "tongue" un-attached from the magnet assembly. These come loose on the M260, M160 and M500 models, but I'm not sure if they will be used on the M130 since it is fig. 8 and judging by its response, it doesn't look like it probably uses one.

I've seen that funny Tuchel connector on some Beyers before - is it not a Gross Tuchel 6-Pin? You can get these on - similar ones are use on some of the older Gefell / RFT mics. Another alternative is to get Beyer to replace the connector with an XLR and get them to service it whilst they are at it - get an estimate first though.

Gunter Wagner is well known - maybe drop a message at Klaus Heyne's mic lab as some people there seem to be obsessed with Neumanns....

The D19 is not service-able - AKG do not provide spares any more. Get yourself a DIN cable and see how it sounds. Roll the bass switch to "Music" as the "Speech" setting rolls bass off. Hopefully this will work - dynamic capsules aqre generally not serviceable...

The Altec 639b is similar to the STC 4033 isn't it? If so, again wire it up and try it out in all switch positions. If it sounds crap then email or call ENAK in the US or Coles in Australia where they can probably re-ribbon it. Coles may refuse as it is not exactly the same as a 4033.

Let me know if you give up on any of them as I'd be interested!

Good luck,


lachiehawk wrote:Yeah, I can hear something rattling around in the head. Its actually 6 pins...
kind of a cresent with one in the middle.
the ones I came across all had different connectors.
there is an AKg D19 with a din connector, a Neumann KM86 with a mini XLR and an un terminated cord coming out of a Altec 639b.

I need to make the adaptors so I can check out what shape they are in, but Im starting to think about sending it to Beyer since we dont service mics usually and I dont want to mess it up. There is a guy called Gunter Wagner who does U47 remakes here in Sydney so I might send to Neumann to him.
Dont know about the others. Any suggestions on who could service an Altec 639b and an AKG D19?
Ill be pretty happy if I can get em working and added to my mic closet since I found em!
thanks for your reply.

Beyer M130 service info...

Thanks mate!,
Any opinions on people like Sank or AEA for servicing the ribbons?
Or is Beyer a better option for the m130? is interesting...
As for the m130 connector they are all pins not flat spikes like on a tuchel...
Maybe getting Beyer to do it will be better, you sound like they could charge shitloads though...
thanks again

Beyer M130 service info...

Search around for other people's opinions on Sank.

AEA might be worth contacting - I think they maybe service Coles mics...

My personal opinion is that Beyer is probably the best option (unless they are too expensive) because Beyer use a very specific type of ribbon which is corrugated in a special way to improve performance (they stiffen them in the middle to avoid resonance which is a problem with shorter ribbons). Also, thinner ribbon can cause bass-loss in some designs - the Beyer stuff is relatively thick. Also, if your magnets are ageing or there are other problems, then this would be taken care of, since Beyer replace all of the guts.

Get some estimates and see what looks the most worthwhile.

As for the connector, Tuchels are not all flat spikes - they come in normal pin formats too. I am almost positive that yours will be a standard multi-pin tuchel.

Does it look like a 6-pin version of this:


I'm not suggesting that Beyer charge lots, I'm just suggesting that it might cost a lot because they will make the mic as good as new and may even swap the connector for an XLR too - which in total is a timely and expensive thing to do. Also, Beyer will certainly have the expertise to tune both ribbons in unison (which is very important for double-ribbons) which I cynically doubt some others would bother doing.

Give them all a ring or an email and see how it looks.

lachiehawk wrote:Thanks mate!,
Any opinions on people like Sank or AEA for servicing the ribbons?
Or is Beyer a better option for the m130? is interesting...
As for the m130 connector they are all pins not flat spikes like on a tuchel...
Maybe getting Beyer to do it will be better, you sound like they could charge shitloads though...
thanks again

Beyer M130 service info...

Thanks Again!
I have contacted Beyer, they forwarded my email to the Aus. Distributer so I guess Ill go through them. Is having an old model M130's guts replaced for new M130 stock an issue worth worrying about? ie. are older M130 circuits noted to be better in anyway?
Ultimately Ill be happy whichever way if it does'nt cost me an arm & a leg seeing as though I got them free to begin with.

The Connectors are not like those Geffel pics. more like this....

o o
o o

Oviously, a rough approximation there...

As for the AKG mic, its actually a condensor, not a dynamic. So maybe this'll be a little easier. I might ask Gunter Wagner about this aswell as the Neumann.
Thanks again,

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