Band: Enemymine
2I have The Ice in Me and like it a lot. NOT CRAP.
Wasn't Zak Sally in this band for a while? I think that's what originally made me interested in them.
Wasn't Zak Sally in this band for a while? I think that's what originally made me interested in them.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.
Band: Enemymine
3I wanted to like this band, and have given it the good try, but the songs, she just ain't there. Sonically great, but in the end, crap.
Crap, too, to the fact that I use too many commas.
Crap, too, to the fact that I use too many commas.
Band: Enemymine
4Are they named after this movie?
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
Band: Enemymine
6Not crap. I grew up in the same city as the singer/lead bass player, Mike Kunka, who was also in the band godheadSilo if you've ever heard of them. If not, CHECK OUT Skyward in Triumph, Scientific Supercake, or Share the Fantasy all very good shit. Two-piece band: bass and drums with equally loud distorted screaming singing.
I saw Enemymine play a few years back and they were very loud and very tight and good. They wore karate outfits.
I saw Enemymine play a few years back and they were very loud and very tight and good. They wore karate outfits.