Best Husker Du album?

Land Speed Record
Total votes: 2 (3%)
Zen Arcade
Total votes: 36 (46%)
New Day Rising
Total votes: 23 (29%)
Everything Falls Apart
Total votes: 5 (6%)
Flip Your Wig
Total votes: 4 (5%)
Candy Apple Grey
Total votes: 5 (6%)
Total votes: 4 (5%)
Total votes: 79

Best Husker Du Record

Running through the first four albums this morning. I've dug on Zen Arcade for a long-ass time, but i think lately i'm realizing that i like a lot of the songs on New Day Rising better. I mean "Turn on the News" is legend, but "I Apologize" and "Books About UFOs" own me.

To be honest, i haven't heard a damn thing after Everything Falls Apart.


Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Best Husker Du Record

ctrl-s wrote:What strange land is Neo-Tokyo, WI, where Everything Falls Apart came out after New Day Rising?

Did i fuck that up? Guh, sorry.

There are periodic gaps and farts in my brain's punk rock database that stem from my staunch refusal to remove all the information i gathered about hair metal in my high school days (and there's a LOT of it).

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Best Husker Du Record

i'll go one better and declare a state of rank!

zen arcade
new day rising
flip your wig
metal circus
candy apple gray
everything falls apart
land speed record

'new day rising' is more concise than 'zen arcade' but there are times when the incredibly atonal recording buries the songs. also, 'zen arcade' has so many of the band's best songs that it pulls ahead by a nose. 'newest industry' is probably my favourite. well worthy of their rivals the minutemen actually. 'flip your wig' is another belter but the production probably isn't grubby enough. they probably got it just right on 'metal circus', which although only an ep, has some of their strongest material - especially when you add the 'eight miles high' single. 'candy..' is under-rated because of the albums that preceded it and also because it's out and out pop. it's better than the bloated 'warehouse', which suffers from hart and mould's reluctance to drop the weaker material. 'land speed record' is an unlistenable exercise in velocity and i can't be bothered with that kind of thing anymore tbh.

i'd recommend the bands that came out of the du, hart's nova mob and mould's sugar but not before buying their best solo albums first. both hart and mould released an incredible acoustic album after the split - 'intolerance' and 'workbook' respectively.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Best Husker Du Record

tommydski wrote:
i'd recommend the bands that came out of the du, hart's nova mob and mould's sugar but not before buying their best solo albums first. both hart and mould released an incredible acoustic album after the split - 'intolerance' and 'workbook' respectively.

This is crazy talk of the craziest kind.

Workbook yes, but 'Intolerance' is all filler, no killer. Two good songs (Senses, 2541), and he even managed to fuck one of those up (2541) by re-recording it with electric guitar when clearly the original single version was as good as it was going to get.

Sugar were CRAP.

You are CRAZY in the ears.

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