I'm trying to settle a bet with a friend of mine, and I appeal to you all for help.
He says my views about keeping a piece of gear (in this case, a console) in a smoke-free environment is silly. The amount of damage that would happen is minimal, he claims, and is not worth even thinking about. He allows that ashes in the electronics/"moving parts" would be no good, so we've limited our discussion to smoke, whether smoked ambiently in the room, or blown directly at the piece of gear in question.
Can anybody enlighten me? Any literature returned by Google revolves around the much more serious health risks of smoking.
Cigarette smoke damage
1"I was like a steel spring with a growing and dangerous flaw in it. If the spring is wound too tight, or there is the slightest weak point, the spring will fly apart, and then it is done for." - Ty Cobb.