Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

Now that retard that runs the US is trying to tell us his "war on terror" is like the Cold War.

I grew up in the Cold War and his frankly stupid fumbling around the Middle East is not the fucking Cold War.

Seriously people... cock.

Bush is a dick and some of you idiots voted for the asshat

or and the moron calls the "war on terror", just like World War II, just a few weeks ago

I'm waiting for him to call it like Vietnam... I give it another couple of months

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

What bullshit. (Bush, I mean.)

I've read convincing material to the effect that Bush and co. actually and seriously conceive of the so-called "War on Terror" as an indefinite, paroxysmal World War III, an intentional and ongoing global state of low-level conflict with occasional bursts of terror and full-scale military engagement, and nonstop blanket ideological justification. (Links not handy, sorry.) The economic and political benefits of this state of affairs to a small number of interests need hardly be enumerated.

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

If you are a U.S. citizen and don't vote, the most charitable assumption I can make is that your anarcho-syndicalist commune is thriving, with secession and sovereignty well under way.

Still haven't found the link to the specific article I had in mind above (though of course the web is awash in stuff about the similarity of the War on Terror™ to Orwell's "permanent war"), but here's Bush calling the War on Terror™ "World War III" on TV, three weeks ago. It must not have polled well. How strange that a majority of the public would not be down with that. Quick, let's liken it to any and all past wars in living memory that the U.S. can credibly claim to have won, instead.

Gramsci wrote:I'm waiting for him to call it like Vietnam... I give it another couple of months

I wouldn't hold my breath for ANY mention of Vietnam from Bush, EVER.

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

Anybody who hasn't seen the Adam Curtis BBC documentary The Power Of Nightmares ( I was alerted to it in a different thread, so there is existing discussion if you search ) should not waste any time getting a copy- it's available as a free download from several sites.

It's a documentary of the parallel histories of the US neo cons and the Zawahirian Islamists and their mutually-beneficial advancement of each other as enemies, all in the name of their mutual craving to wage the battle to end all battles.

The permanent wartime economy and the convenient succession of enemy after enemy to justify it dominates our lives to a monumental degree, and the fact that nobody is really allowed to touch this subject ( or central banking, a critical partner to it ) in the US mainstream media illustrates the holy status of it as guiding myth.

I don't agree with everything in it ; 9/11 is credited to 'mastermind' Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, and the CIA -- other than during the Casey years--comes off very well. Curtis paints the agency a little too forgivingly as this moderating counterbalance to the neocons; if the CIA wants to put distance between itself and the doctored war intelligence today, that's useful for Bush historians, but not that useful to the world of insane death built from the fake intel. Watch it and you will get a picture of the real al Qaeda and the real neo cons miles beyond anythingyou're going to get from Scare Tactics, Inc, our network newscasts.

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...


1. He's looking like Elmer Fudd everyday.

"Shhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting fowr tewerewwists."

2. I can't believe I have to go back to hating commies again. No wait.

3. And didn't the cold war begin in 1956? With all the trials and such(fragment)

4. I registered for 'publican but I did not, repeat did not vote for President Asshat.
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

ctrl-s wrote:If you are a U.S. citizen and don't vote, the most charitable assumption I can make is that your anarcho-syndicalist commune is thriving, with secession and sovereignty well under way.

i dont feel much sense of duty with regard to the US nor to any "commune"... simple as that. every 4 years, when the rest of the country takes a half hour out of their day to vote, i take fifteen minutes to walk around the block and pick up a few pieces of trash to throw in a trash can. in those fifteen minutes, i do the world far more good than anyone going out to vote.

my point is that if you want to debate the ethical "good" that someone is doing for the world, voting is extremely trivial, especially when viewed relative to the good that can come out of how you handle your day-to-day affairs. being a relatively inactive person (and thereby not inducing much volatility in the world) is a great start. so throw away that coercive mentality, no need to feel obliged to have your hand in everything (as if voters even have their hands in much anyways).

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

BClark wrote:i dont feel much sense of duty with regard to the US nor to any "commune"... simple as that. every 4 years, when the rest of the country takes a half hour out of their day to vote, i take fifteen minutes to walk around the block and pick up a few pieces of trash to throw in a trash can. in those fifteen minutes, i do the world far more good than anyone going out to vote.

This self-satisfied isolationist nonsense is tragic.

Do you honestly believe it makes no difference who our President is? That the train of people he brings in behind him makes no difference? That the laws passed and the courts fixed, the power ceded, the structural changes made and the precedents set mean nothing?

If you really believe this, then you are a goddamn fool. You are saying that nothing that happens at the Federal level matters.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Ok, Bush is clutching at straws...

BC Clark, I salute your nihilism yet doubt whether you act by it in everything you do. I know two things: 1) John Kerry would not have been my ideal president; 2) He would, however, have been a lot better than George Bush. The latter outweighs the former, and means that were I an American citizen, I would have voted for him. Imagine that you are about to die at the hands of someone else and have no choice in the matter: he says to you, "well, I can gouge your eyes out and leave you to bleed to death for three days, or I can inject you with this poison which will kill you instantly." Assume that being a sadistic maniac, he has a preference for the former, so if you say "I'm not bothered" that's what he'll do. A sane person would take the latter. Neither outcome is desirable, but one still remains better than the other.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


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