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Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:56 pm
by clocker bob_Archive
Below are thirteen predictions made on 9/14/01 by G. Edward Griffin, author of the groundbreaking and factually accurate history of the United States Federal Reserve, The Creature From Jekyll Island, now in its 22nd printing.
g. edward griffin, 9-14-01 wrote:
Thirteen Predictions for the War on Terrorism

It is always dangerous to make predictions – especially if they are put into print. If they prove to be wrong, they can haunt you for the rest of your life. Nevertheless, here arethirteen predictions I published three days after the 9/11 terrorist attack against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I said then that I fervently hoped they would be wrong.
Unfortunately, they have all come to pass. Here they are as stated on September 14, 2001.

1. The first prediction is that we will not be given genuine options regarding the war on terrorism. We will have only two choices, both of which are disastrous. It will be similar to the Vietnam War in which Americans were expected to be either hawks or doves. Either they supported the no-win war or they opposed it. They were not given the option of victory.

2. Most American political leaders are now committed to world government, so the second prediction is that they will crow about how America will not tolerate terrorism, but they will not act as Americans. Instead, they will act as internationalists.

3. The third prediction is that the drive for national disarmament will be intensified. This will not lead to the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, but merely to the transfer of those weapons to UN control. It will be popularized as a means of getting nuclear and bio-chemical weapons out of the hands of terrorists. The internationalists promoting this move will not seem to care that many of the world’s most notorious terrorists now hold seats of power at the UN and that the worst of them will actually control these weapons.

4. The fourth prediction is that, if any terrorists are captured, they will be brought before the UN World Court and tried as international criminals. This will create popular support for the Court and will go a long way toward legitimizing it as the ultimate high tribunal.

5. The fifth prediction is that the FBI will be criticized for failing to detect an attack as extensive and well coordinated as this. In reply, we will be told that the FBI was hampered by lack of funding, low manpower, and too little authority. Naturally, that will be followed by an increase in funding, additional manpower, and greatly expanded authority.

6. The sixth prediction is that, eventually, it will be discovered that the FBI and other intelligence agencies had prior warning and, possibly, specific knowledge of Tuesday’s attack; yet they did nothing to prevent it or to warn the victims. This will be a repeat of what happened at the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City six years previously.

7. The seventh prediction is that much of the war on terrorism will be waged against Americans inside their own country. New laws, international treaties, and executive orders will severely restrict travel, speech, privacy, and the possession of firearms. Americans have consistently rejected these measures in the past, but there will be much less opposition when they are presented in the name of fighting terrorism. Government agencies will demand to know everything about us from our school records, our psychological profiles, our buying habits, our political views, our medical histories, our religious beliefs, the balances in our savings accounts, our social patterns, a list of our friends – everything. Any opposition to these measures will be branded as disruptive of national unity and helpful to terrorism. This will not be unique to America. The same program will be carried out in every nation in what is left of the free world.

8. The eighth prediction is that those who speak out against these measures will be branded as right-wing extremists, anti-government kooks, or paranoid militiamen. The object will be to isolate all dissidents from the mainstream and frighten everyone else into remaining silent.

9. One of the few remaining obstacles to the New World Order is the Internet, because it allows the public to bypass the mass media and have access to unfiltered news.

10. The tenth prediction is that the war on terrorism will be dragged out over many years or decades. Like the war on drugs after which it is patterned, there will be no victory. That is because both of these wars are designed, not to be won, but to be waged. Their function is to sensitize the population with fear and indignation, to provide credible justification for the expansion of government power and the consolidation of that power into
the UN.

11. The eleventh prediction is that it will take a long time to locate Osama bin Laden. A TV reporter can casually interview him at his mountain stronghold, but the US military and CIA – with legions of spies and Delta forces and high-tech orbiting satellites – they cannot find him. Why not? Because they do not want to find him.

12. The twelfth prediction is that, when the Taliban is toppled in Afghanistan, a new government will be established by the UN. Like Kosovo before it, a so-called UN “peacekeeping” military force will remain behind, and the country will not be independent.

13. The thirteenth prediction is that, while all this is going on, US politicians will continue waving the American flag and giving lip service to traditional American sentiments in order to placate their constituency who must never be allowed to know that they are being delivered into slavery.

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:14 pm
by warmowski_Archive
clocker bob wrote:Unfortunately, they have all come to pass. Here they are as stated on September 14, 2001.

Uh, in what world did this happen?

2. Most American political leaders are now committed to world government... They will turn to the UN to lead a global war against terrorism.... they ultimately will operate under UN authority.

What in the wide, wide world of sports are you doing waving this utter fantasy around? How can you have remained internally consistent (and therefore to some degree compelling) and then literally shit the bed by dragging out this Michigan-militia total nonsense?

3. The third prediction is that the drive for national disarmament will be intensified. This will not lead to the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, but merely to the transfer of those weapons to UN control. It will be popularized as a means of getting nuclear and bio-chemical weapons out of the hands of terrorists. The internationalists promoting this
move will not seem to care that many of the world’s most notorious terrorists now hold seats of power at the UN and that the worst of them will actually control these weapons.

All right, that's enough.

There are big questions about the 9/11 official story. Big enough to dwarf fifty Texas Book Depositories. Tying these totally legitimate questions to totally illegitimate, hysterical UN paranoia is effectively smothering them, and does a profound disservice. Not acknowledging that the UN's credibility and power was weak before Iraq and is in inconsequential tatters post-Iraq means this author's geopolitical perspective is from underneath a very large and very crinkly tinfoil chapeau.

The UN. Jesus.


Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:28 pm
by rayj_Archive
My two cents-
The UN will not be used unless it essentially becomes another branch of the US government...lets think 'foreign affairs'. The US has consistently made it a point to completely undermine anything the UN attempts to do, unless it is a direct extension of US interests. Just take a quick glance at the voting record.

Other than that detail, well, pretty much spot-on, eh?

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:30 pm
by clocker bob_Archive
Damn, Warmowski. I tried to phrase my preface to Griffin's predictions to indicate that, while I do not subscribe to his opinions in total, I find enough credibility in his work to make him a useful source. Does the fact that he was very right about other predictions regarding the War On Terror ( again, on 9/14/01, when these were not popular opinions to express ) cancel out any of your skepticism generated by his other predictions?

I interpret the work of everyone based on what they clearly are: fallible human beings, right occasionally and wrong occasionally. Is it 'one mistake or one disagreement and out the door they go' in your world? Noam Chomsky has been wrong, Albert Einstein has been wrong- peoples' lives are a series of chapters; you can skip some of them and still read the book, can't you?

Can you also acknowledge that you cannot state on 6/1/06 with any certainty what number of these predictions may eventually turn out to be accurate? Give us predictions yourself, and then we can check in five years what your record as a forecaster is, and decide if you are credible enough to dismiss Griffin based on the early returns.

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:37 pm
by Andrew L_Archive
clocker bob wrote:4. The fourth prediction is that, if any terrorists are captured, they will be brought before the UN World Court and tried as international criminals.

Hmmm. Hence the *extra-juridical* American torture camps that the Red Cross isn't permitted to enter and which the UN has demanded be closed.

Anyone who seriously opposes the New World Order could then be transported to The Hague in The Netherlands and face charges of polluting the planet


Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:43 pm
by clocker bob_Archive
warmowski wrote: Not acknowledging that the UN's credibility and power was weak before Iraq and is in inconsequential tatters post-Iraq means this author's geopolitical perspective is from underneath a very large and very crinkly tinfoil chapeau.

The UN. Jesus.


Warmowski- The UN is the face of globalism that the public sees, and it is specifically kept looking inept and powerless for that very reason- so casual observers will see it as a reflection of the progress of world government, and relax. If Griffin replaced every reference to the UN with New World Order or IMF or GATT or NAFTA, etc., would he then sound like he was ringing an alarm for a real fire?

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:49 pm
by nihil_Archive
clocker bob wrote: I find enough credibility in his work to make him a useful source.

What specifically? The War on Terror was declared over 20 yrs. ago by essentially the same administration.

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:59 pm
by ivan_Archive
so in summary

1. hawks and doves, a shallow no brainer of a prediction

2. UN led campaigns - totally wrong, American Government happy to go it alone, no great deference to the authority to the UN

3. National disarmament and some UN paranoia- rubbish

4. Terrorists brought before the "UN World Court", a fictional body which does not in fact exist. The International Criminal Court exists, no terrorists have been brought before it and currently none are being investigated.

5. FBI held jointly responsible with the CIA, failure not due resources just incompetence

6. FBI not proven to have known in advance

7. Partially correct on travel restrictions and monitoring citizens, but again totally off the mark on the gun issue.

8. HAHAHAHA wrong, left wing pacificts bear the brunt of the backlash, not right wing militia crazies, nice little diorama at the end though

9. The internet still exists. I think.

10. Have to hand him this one, but its hardly a new pattern of activity, its been happening since the cold war, with intermittent breaks when the democrats get in, so not very amazing

11. America don't want to capture bin laden for pr purposes, easy to say but lets see some proof

12. wrong Afghanistan still firmly in the grip of local warlords despite American prescence, old islamic fundamentalists replaced with fundamental islamists, just like the last time

13. America enslaved, i'm guessing what he means is they want to take his gun and stop him marrying his cousin. nope

It's interesting he predicted the culture of fear, but on all levels he is as crazy as a bag of cats

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:07 pm
by clocker bob_Archive
ivan wrote:so in summary

That was good, especially the part where you quoted Griffin stating that all the predictions would be completely proved accurate by 6/1/06. Oh, you didn't find that part?

That's the cool thing about making predictions without deadlines- you can potentially be right for as long as the countries and organizations cited in the predictions exist.

Predictions Of The War On Terror, From 9-14-01

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:15 pm
by clocker bob_Archive
nihil wrote:
clocker bob wrote: I find enough credibility in his work to make him a useful source.

What specifically? The War on Terror was declared over 20 yrs. ago by essentially the same administration.

I make him a useful source on the history of central banking, currency, and the Federal Reserve, and because he got that right, I'll consider what he has to say about other subjects ( including the war on terror ), probably for as long as he continues to say them.

I have this weird belief that authors are not specifically writing for me and me alone, and if I pick up and read a book, I hold the control over what I decide to learn from it.

I'm so glad nobody other than Rayj thought that these were bold predictions to make as an American on 9/14/01, and that everyone is so firmly in the 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' camp, their ability to discriminate between good and bad information ( within the work of a single author ) has been short-circuited.