Listen to each others bands...

uniquebassplayer wrote:The Purple Cow Story= My Favorite band that I've been exposed to on this board so far. I will be sending a request for your friendship sir.

Jeez, thank you! If only people in my village felt that way.....well, we do get lots of people to shows, but that is just people that we are friends with and the other bands. We aren't the sort of band that people ever just hear playing in a bar and like... only if they have heard us before many times....but I guess that isn't really a bad thing....can't please everyone, nor do I want to...

I will go check out your music right away, Uniquebassplayer

On a side note, I have listen to several bands on here and I have really liked most that I can remember. USS Horsewhip was great! I hope I can rock when I am a dad....Hmmm, Christopherdragon is cool too....I can't remember the others.

More of you guys should start putting up links to your bands! I always wonder was some of you sound like....

OK, I will leave now...
Give me a place to live in NYC and I will play in your band

Yay! I have a Myspace page!

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