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word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:05 am
by BClark_Archive
i enjoy watching stuff such as
the shining
the killer
raging bull
down by law
king of comedy
the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie (yes, i had to google the movie to copy and paste "bourgeoisie", as i cannot spell it on the fly)
the list goes on, we all have our favorites...
but just what are these?
are these films?
or are these movies?
some may believe that "short films" and "documentary films" cant be movies, so lets limit the discussion to fiction feature-length movies/films.
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:15 am
by Rodabod_Archive
They are all films in my book.
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:41 am
by dgrace_Archive
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:43 am
by slowriot_Archive
where's the options for "flicks?"
a handful of canadians i knew growing up only used the word "flicks."
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:45 am
by chairman_hall_Archive
It's filum.
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:53 am
by Chapter Two_Archive
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:09 am
by dgrace_Archive
To be retro, you can also call them "pictures" or one a "picture." For most movies, pieceofshit does the trick. It can also be used as an adjective, as in "pieceofshit comedy" or "pieceofshit drama."
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:14 am
by skatingbasser_Archive
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:19 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
When you ask your lovely out for the evening do you say 'Wanna see a film?'
No, you say 'Wanna go to the movies?'
'How about we sit in the back and you give me a handjob in the cinema?'
Does not sound right, does it?
When you are making small chit chat wth people do you ask 'Been to the theatre lately?'
No, you say 'See any good movies lately?'
Unless you are a douche trying to get everyone to make fun of you, or you are under the assumption you are living in 1920.
Just talk like a normal person for fuck's sake.
word choice: " film" or " movie"
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:35 am
by DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE_Archive
I still wanna give a slap to anyone who drops "Talkie" in conversations.