Band: Green River

Total votes: 12 (55%)
Total votes: 10 (45%)
Total votes: 22

Band - Green River

Not crap at all. Rehab Doll and Dry As A Bone are both excellent. Maybe nostalgia is affecting the partiality, but I still like this band a lot.

A while back, I found a couple of mp3s of a mini Green River reunion on some Pearl Jam site or another. They did "Swallow My Pride" and the Dead Boys cover. Good stuff, actually.

Band - Green River

Sebastian J. wrote:any of you guys have seen them live ? any stories ?

I wish I could say that I had, but they broke up when I was 13. I did, however, see Mother Love Bone when I was 15. Um, yeah: not really the same thing. At the time, I thought it was great. About two years later, I realized how wrong I had been.

Band - Green River

I saw them live. They were OK. They were more pose than Mudhoney (who I rather liked) and less retardedly horrible than Mother Love Bone (who I rather disliked).

Bruce Fairweather is a nice guy and a good guitar player. I think he was in the band a lot longer than Steve Turner--he replaced him pretty early on, if memory serves.

Band - Green River

Big Black played some shows with them back in the 1980s. Their petulant rockstar attitudes grated on me tremendously. I hated them.

I did like their demo-that-became-their-album though. And I liked the fact that a couple of them came from Missoula, Montana.

They were maybe the fifth or sixth best band to have members from Missoula, Montana. I'd put them ahead of Night Snak'r.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Band - Green River

Sebastian J. wrote:Band - Green River

Mark Arm
Steve Turner
Jeff Ament
Stone Gossard
Alex Vincent

Don't forget Bruce Fairweather, the nicest man in Seattle, and Turner's replacement.

I loved this band.

Remember when you could buy a Fender Mustang for 100 bucks?
With a case?
Them's were the days.
Thanks Kur(d)t.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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