What Music Do You Recommend For When You re Pissed Off?

A series of events befell me these past few days, and this afternoon, the straw broke the camel's back, and I was pissed off. I don't really get angry. At least, I usually just cuss a lot and then it goes away, and I'm just grumpy and frustrated. But this was sweating, elevated heart rate, and an intense desire to do run as fasat and as hard as I could or do as many pushups as I could. I'm not the world's toughest guy, but I could've kicked some ass.

On my Ipod (mini) I had a hard time finding fitting music for this. I wound up going with Action Park, and it worked OK--"Dog and Pony Show" worked great, but it still wasn't tough enough. At least, the bouncy stops and starts made it 'happier' than what I was after. [Sorry fellas.]

What does everybody recommend when you want to hear face-shredding terror? My listening tastes could best be expressed as "Bedhead," so seering music isn't really my bag. It occurred to me that the perfect song would've been "Good Morning Captain" right when the guitar comes blistering in after "I'm sorry, but I've missed you." Of course, that wasn't loaded at the time. Another straw... fuck!

Let's hear it.
Our band.


What Music Do You Recommend For When You re Pissed Off?

Sorry to hear things are going rough Lemuel. These might be a little hard for your taste but I can guarantee you will feel purged after raging along with them.

#1. Nomeansno - "Everyday I Start to Ooze" with "Tired of Waiting" a close second
#2. Victims Family - "Insidious"
#3. Black Flag - "My War" (the whole damn album)
Crass and Fugazi also come to mind.

Hope you move through this quickly and the mood for comedy arrives soon.
Don't let the strawberry win.

What Music Do You Recommend For When You re Pissed Off?

A defunct Ohio band called Rebreather played what they self-deprecatingly called "stoner emo", but that doesn't really describe it. But it was ultra-heavy, plodding in moments with explosions of utter fury, all riding on one of the all-time great bellows/screams from a vocalist. Yes, it was quiet-loud-quiet, but the effect was menace and catharsis, not eye-rolling.


Toadies - "Happy Face"
Blessing of the Hogs
Only Living Witness
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

What Music Do You Recommend For When You re Pissed Off?

Ten songs come to mind:

Husker Du - I'll Never Forget You
The Jesus Lizard - Boilermaker
Black Flag - My War (1982 Demo Version)
Swans - Time Is Money (Bastard)
Big Black - Ergot
Ministry - Stigmata
The Birthday Party - Fun House (live cover)
Helmet - Repetition
Flipper - Shed No Tears
God Bullies - All I Want Is My Momma

Those songs should do the trick.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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