question about driving from NY to Chicago for festival

it's not impossible to do in one day. i did it in april and took two days. i went to toledo the first day, had time to relax and grab a drink, then finished the drive in the morning. when i was younger my family would do it in one day, you could leave relatively early and get there by mid-evening.

it's personal preference, really.

EDIT: should've mentioned i took 2 days when i was alone, and because i wasn't really on a tight schedule. just out driving around, maaaaan.
Last edited by slowriot_Archive on Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

question about driving from NY to Chicago for festival

ppolios wrote:Hi, just wondering if anyone has done this trip before and if its better to do it in one day or two.
I'm thinking about possibly not going because the drive is so long as I've never done such a long drive before, so any tips would be helpful



We did Milwaukee to New York City in a day to get to CMJ. That was about a 15-hour drive. 15 hours is something you're used to if you're in a band and tour sometimes, but for the layperson, it might drive you a bit stir-crazy. Still, a 15-hour drive isn't so horrible that one should consider giving up seeing a 20-minute Big Black set because of the length of the drive.

Plus, in the future you will be able to say "i drove 15 hours to see Big Black play for 20 minutes," and people will look upon you with awe.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

question about driving from NY to Chicago for festival

Washington D.C. to Chicago used to take me about 11-12 hours to drive, counting bathroom/fuel and food breaks. NY to Chicago should be right around that. It's not a very interesting drive once you reach Ohio but it's not terrible once you can space out on the turnpike through Ohio and Indiana. I would suggest trying to get someone to accompany you if at all possible so that you can split driving duties and have the benefit of conversation.

Have you considered taking the Greyhound? It IS the Greyhound but you also wouldn't have to drive and you'd get to sleep a bit if you have a decent set of earplugs and don't wind up seated behind Mennonites that wake up at 3:30 AM, speak very loudly, and seem to use rotting tree bark to brush their teeth and freshen their breath.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

question about driving from NY to Chicago for festival

I've driven from Boston to Chicago and back a bunch of times. It takes me a while in my 4 speed toyota tercel. I can do it in one day if I start early enough.

My advice is to give yourself two days in case you need it. If you get past Cleveland and feel you can continue on to Chicago, go for it. If not, motels are pretty cheap around Fremont OH, stay there and arrive refreshed the next day.

If you have someone with you to share the driving, going straight though should be no problem.


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