Coolest animal?

i love you.
platypus aka duckbill is easily the coolest animal ever. everything about it is amazing. i often ask my friends what is their favorite animal and then i proceed to explain them that platypus should be everyone's favorite. i'm not kidding. i did a search cause i'm pretty sure i mentioned this on EA before, but no results are popping up.

no.2: moose


no. 3: giraphe. it's an obvious choice, but damn, that is an amazing animal.

Coolest animal?

Moose? for real?


Another Mighty Cephalopod, The Vampire Squid:

Jet black skin. See those things where his suckers should be? Not suckers, no fuckin' way, Jim. Those are razor sharp fucking stickers, hoss.

The Vampyroteuthis infernalis, literally translates to "vampire squid from hell" was first described in 1903 and was thought to be an octopus with eight arms. Subsequent sightings of it showed two additional arms were discovered tucking into pockets. It is currently, the only animal in the order Vampyromorphida, an order "in between" octopus and squid, mainly due to the addition of sensory filaments believed to be used for finding food in the deep sea.


V. infernalis is most commonly known for its jet-black skin, the “cape” webbed skin between the arms and eyes that appear blood red at times. It has excellent predator avoidance behavior, including the ability to invert itself, exposing suckers and cirri, making it look as though it is covered in spines.

V. infernalis also has light organs on the tip of each arm and at the base of its fins. The animal will begin to glow and wiggle about while also expelling mucus containing “thousands of glowing spheres of blue bioluminescent light.” While this mucus is being expelled, the vampire squid escapes.

Fuck that!
Last edited by wiggins_Archive on Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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