Strike On Iran: Trigger For New World Order Conquests?

'Bring it On' - why Iran can't lose and the US and Israel can't win

By now, many of you already know why Iran can't lose, which by the way, is not the same as saying that Iran can win. Yesterday, the Sunday Times made it crystal clear that US intelligence officials, if not the Bush administration, have already figured that much out, as have a number of other commentators.

times of london wrote:The Sunday Times October 01, 2006

US may accept Iranian nuclear bomb
Sarah Baxter, Washington
AMERICA is going to have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, US intelligence analysts have concluded at a secret meeting near Washington.

Senior operatives and outside experts from the intelligence community were almost unanimous in their view that little could be done to stop Iran acquiring the components for a nuclear bomb, The Sunday Times has learnt.

Gary North, for example, made an especially convincing argument in his January piece titled 'Bring it On': Why Dr. Ahmedinejad Is Not Worrying - well worth reading in full to understand the complex dynamics involved at this crucial juncture. The following sums it up nicely:

gary north at wrote:An unprovoked American attack on Iran will instantly and permanently de-legitimize every American client state in the Middle East. If the United States bombs Iran, the Bush Administration might as well send that "Mission Accomplished" banner to Al Qaeda headquarters.

gary north column

What he didn't mention, and what the Sunday Times left unexplored, was the likelihood of Israel doing what the US dare not - and the invariable consequences it entails. However, North did include in his analysis of why the US can't win an interesting reference to an important book written by an Israeli military expert.

gary north wrote:The crucial issue here is political legitimacy of the nation-state. This is the supreme political issue of our day, as the great Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld has argued in his book, The Rise and Decline of the State (Cambridge University Press, 1999). It is also the supreme strategic issue of fourth-generation warfare, the warfare of the rest of this century.

Now, for my take on this exceedingly dangerous path that the US and Israeli governments are treading, because make no mistake, any military strike against Iran by Israel is not only condoned but actively supported by those in control of the US government - just as it was in Lebanon.

However, any attack by Israel against Iran, even a nuclear one, would be suicidal on Israel's part. But, here's the catch - that's the plan.

The nation-state of Israel is a failed project that those in control of most of the world's resources are willing to sacrifice. There's really nothing much left to give up - Israel is a failed state, morally, politically - even economically, despite their ardent protestations.

The corporate interests who control the world's resources can only gain from a dramatic, and more importantly - very destructive - end to the Israeli problem. Only it will not be the end, but just the beginning.

The problem is not simply Israel "the nation-state", but the evil concept behind Israel and those who espouse it - the idea that some people on earth are more deserving of freedom and prosperity than others. And to reach that goal, they are willing to subjugate or destroy everything in sight.

The destruction of Israel and every other nation-state in the Middle East will give the surviving corporate interests the opportunity they need to seize control of the remainder of the world's resources. Such an attack will throw the world's economies into a tail spin, enabling the money masters to assume total control of the world.

This is it - folks. The one world government we've been hearing about all these years is a mercantile one, headed by the world's high priests of finance.

The thesis is that the nation state as we've known it is a modern invention and a thorough failure, ever more costly and intrusive and unworkable. It is in the process of being supplanted by other institutions less formal and hence more functional to serve the member's goals.

On the plus side, we see the emergence of a decentralized but global market order and the emergence of micro-political communities. On the negative side, there is the development of guerilla armies that act secretively and elude defeat in conventional military terms. The nation state, once the leviathan bestriding the global and ruling all before it, is being reduced in its size because it is being outsmarted and outrun. No longer can it command loyalty and no longer does it have a credible claim to be superior to its alternatives.

Iran can't lose, but neither can it win, and neither will the US or Israel. An attack on Iran will mark the beginning of the end of nation-states as we know it. All that will remain connecting interests together will be finance.

Excerpted from some blog that endorses wild views like 'the bankers make all the wars' and 'conspiracy theories expose conspiracies' and 'Israel= state-sponsored terrorism"; I don't feel like defending the author's credibility or motives for the three people who will read this post, so I'm not even going to link to it- CB]

Strike On Iran: Trigger For New World Order Conquests?

I found this in the comment section from a Nation blog Caix linked to earlier today-

"I R A N









Updated Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:04 PM EDT



The existence of a hideous plan to sacrifice a U.S. Aircraft Carrier as a pretext for war with Iran is presently being uncovered!

The Hal Turner Show has been told that within the next five (5) weeks, the United States will "suffer" a missile attack upon the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, presently on patrol near the Persian Gulf. This attack will appear to be from numerous "Silkworm" and/or "Sunburn" missiles which will sink the vessel and kill most of the 5,000 crew onboard.

The "attack" will be blamed on Iran and thus provide the Bush Administration with an excuse to go to war with that nation.

The Hal Turner Show has learned that the missiles used to attack the USS Enterprise will not be fired from or by Iran, but rather will be a "false flag operation" made to LOOK as though Iran carried out the attack!

The USS Enterprise is the worlds first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. It was Commissioned in 1961 and is due to be decommissioned in 2014 or 2015. The ship was selected to be the "victim" of this "attack" due to its age.

THOSE PLANNING THE ATTACK ARE INSIDE THE U.S. AND ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS and view the loss of the Enterprise crew as a necessary sacrifice to induce Americans to support war against Iran. Put bluntly, the ship and crew are to be cannon fodder.

I am being fed more information and expect to be able to name names as to who is behind this plan. Check back often. LIBERTY REDUX | Homepage | 10.01.06 - 10:09 am

Found on Rawstory message board "
it's not the length, it's the gersch

Strike On Iran: Trigger For New World Order Conquests?

I've read that. People are even predicting October 21.

Wayne Madsen, a respected journalist with a US security background ( and also someone who digs into those crazy conspiracy theories, like 9/11=Inside Job ), has documents on his site that were supposedly leaked to him from a CIA contact. They allege that the USS Cole was not the victim of an attack by al Qaeda terrorists who pulled up alongside the ship, but was instead struck by a torpedo from a submarine ( possibly Israeli ). Madsen alleges that the team of FBI investigators lead by the late John O'Neill were on this trail, and were stonewalled by CIA in Yemen when they tried to pursue this.

O'Neill later resigned ( fired ) and perished at the WTC on 9/11.

link to the Madsen article regarding the Cole

Strike On Iran: Trigger For New World Order Conquests?

alex maiolo wrote:
clocker bob wrote:I've read that. People are even predicting October 21.

Which is precisely why it can't happen now, right?


Little Arab kids in Brooklyn pointed out of the windows of their classrooms at the Twin Towers and said they wouldn't be there next week, prior to 9/11. Cabdrivers in NYC supposedly made comments to passengers about the attacks. Firms like Odigo text messaged their employees to stay away from lower Manhattan two hours before the first plane struck. Sometimes, when the ball is rolling, momentum takes over.

It can still happen. Afterwards, all they have to do is point at all the suspicious people and call them tinfoil hats. After all, it's front page MSM news today that George Tenet and Cofer Black practically stormed Rice's office with a 9/11 warning in July; you think the 9/11 non-skeptics have moved an inch?

There is a method to their madness, and they don't expect to pull every false flag attack off in an air-tight manner. There was chatter about FDR and what his administration knew within days of Pearl Harbor, but he's still an American hero to the masses.

The masses are manageable. They scare easy.

Strike On Iran: Trigger For New World Order Conquests?

The concluding paragraphs to the Gary North column (from 1/06) briefly excerpted in the first post:

(Referring to Ahmadinejad) wrote:HEADS, HE WINS

Consider his situation. He presides over a country whose majority regards Iran as a working political and spiritual model for the rest of Islam. Iran has oil. It is modernizing. It is Shi'ite. Shi'ites have now seen the defeat of their long-time Sunni enemy, Iraq. The elected government in Iraq is predominantly Shi'ite.

He has positioned himself as the Middle East's preeminent nose-tweaker of the United States. In his November 17, 2005 speech before the United Nations General Assembly, he challenged the moral authority of the United States government to oppose Iran's development of nuclear power. He did not mention the United States by name. He did not need to. His audience understood.

quoting ahmadinejad 'Thousands of nuclear warheads that are stockpiled in various locations coupled with programs to further develop these inhuman weapons have created a new atmosphere of repression and the rule of the machines of war, threatening the international community and even the citizens of the countries that possess them.

Ironically, those who have actually used nuclear weapons, continue to produce, stockpile and extensively test such weapons, have used depleted uranium bombs and bullets against tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kuwaitis, and even their own soldiers and those of their allies, afflicting them with incurable diseases, blatantly violate their obligations under the NPT, have refrained from signing the CTBT and have armed the Zionist occupation regime with WMDs, are not only refusing to remedy their past deeds, but in clear breech of the NPT, are trying to prevent other countries from acquiring the technology to produce peaceful nuclear energy.

All these problems emanate from the fact that justice and spirituality are missing in the way powerful governments conduct their affairs with other nations.'

He was killing two birds with one rhetorical stone, linking the Great Satan with the Middle East's universally hated nation, and then blaming the United States for that pariah nation's nuclear weapons capabilities.

How could this speech hurt him back home? How could it hurt him in Islamic streets?

What if the United States drops assorted non-nuclear weapons on Iran before the bourse opens? The potential targets are many; the underground facilities will be hard to destroy. But what if all of them are taken out?

Iran instantly wins the legitimacy sweepstakes. Dr. Ahmadinejad becomes the first universally respected Shi'ite political leader in the Sunni- and Wahhabi-dominated Middle East. All across the Middle East, restive Muslims in the streets will start murmuring: "Where is our leader? Why doesn't he stand up to the United States?" The answer is obvious: because he has long been bought off by the United States. Because, in the immortal words of Lyndon Johnson, the United States has his pecker in its pocket.

There will soon be a lot of newly exposed members at risk.

An unprovoked American attack on Iran will instantly and permanently de-legitimize every American client state in the Middle East. If the United States bombs Iran, the Bush Administration might as well send that "Mission Accomplished" banner to Al Qaeda headquarters.

The crucial issue here is political legitimacy of the nation-state. This is the supreme political issue of our day, as the great Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld has argued in his book, The Rise and Decline of the State (Cambridge University Press, 1999). It is also the supreme strategic issue of fourth-generation warfare, the warfare of the rest of this century.

The day the bombs begin to fall, the mullahs will join ranks with teenagers in the streets of Tehran. Dr. Ahmadinejad will become as politically immune from public criticism as Mr. Bush was on September 12, 2001.


The day after the bombs begin to fall on Iran, clandestine weapons will begin to flow westward across the Iran-Iraq border. The Shi'ites in Iraq will instantly become the long-lost cousins of the Sunni resistance movement. There is an old Muslim saying,

"My brother and I against our cousin. We and our cousin against the world."

The United States' troops on the ground will discover the deadly power of that alliance. All co-operation from the Shi'ites will cease. There will be a unified anti-American front south of the Kurdish region.

The United States will be told to get out. If the government of Iraq does not issue this order immediately, its members had better be sure to renew their life insurance policies.

The Iraqi army will melt into the countryside. Anyone who stands up will be shot down.


President Bush can issue warnings. The Administration can talk tough. But what is the point? The President of Iran can call the President of the United States's bluff, if it is a bluff. He is doing this, day by day. He is not going to cooperate with the United Nations. There is no need to.

If it is not a bluff, and the bombs fall, the United States' client regimes in the Middle East are as good as gone.

We will then be driven out of Iraq. This message will be fully understood by every Muslim in the street. The Great Satan can be whipped. No better reason exists to start looking for a local client to whip.


Iran cannot be occupied by U.S. troops. As retired four-star general and NBC commentator Barry McCaffrey said in mid-2005, the wheels are already close to coming off the Army's machine in Iraq. So, the enforcement of any anti-nuclear technology development program is a bluff.

Iran's program can be delayed a few years by bombing, but only at the price of solidifying Dr. Ahmadinejad's rule in Iran and making him a regional symbol of Islamic defiance. In this non-elected office, he will replace Osama bin Laden. The difference is, Ahmadinejad is a legitimately elected President of a nation with a lot of oil.

This is about oil, political power, currencies, and above all, legitimacy. It is about the ability of the United States to change regimes its way and then preserve these new regimes from replacement by domestic enemies.

The United States and its client state regimes will be replaced in the Middle East. It is only a matter of time. If the United States bombs Iran, the timetable will speed up.

You may have heard of the catbird seat. Dr. Ahmadinejad is sitting in it.

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