Panic Attacks.

I was in Central America last week and had a few episodes.

It could have been the fact I am a somewhat novice traveler and was carrying about $800 in cash and traveler's checks on me.

I will be starting yoga soon.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

Panic Attacks.

wiggins wrote:What exactly does a "panic attack" usually entail? I feel like I've had these before, but I have no clue how to gauge their mildness. I feel like mine are pretty mild: sweaty palms, increased heart rate, shallow breathing, hair-tugging, rapidly clenching and stretching of my hands.

That's a pretty impressive set of symptoms, young wiggins!

There is also perhaps the feeling that you need to escape immediately from wherever you are at that particular moment in time.

That's another fun symptom!

Of course, I'm neither a doctor nor a frequent sufferer of severe panic attacks. However, you might want to lay off the G.D. caffeine and get some G.D. exercise. Some people also get help from the pillz.

Hey! Don't screw around with panic attacks!

They mess you up good!

Panic Attacks.

About 10 years ago, I had two. They occurred when I was sleeping off drinking pretty seriously for about 3 days straight. Woke up feeling the most intense fear I've ever felt, which didn't subside until my body became too exhausted to stay awake (about 3.5 hours).

The 3+ hour internal dialog went something like this:

"OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT...why am I so scared? No one is here...everything is OK...OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT...", ad nauseum.

The second one coincided with an extremely realistic nightmare consisting of a violent tornado coming straight for me. I couldn't tell if I was awake or dreaming, more so than usual. That was the weirdest part, really, as I kept waking up to look outside, and the huge, extremely menacing tornado would disappear and reappear, as would the completely destroyed scenery...

Panic Attacks.

i used to suffer from panic attacks in high school and i saw a dr. about it and we pretty much got to the root of it without any need for medication. i think (and i hope this doesn't come off sounding tom cruise-ian) it's possible to control without medical aid. most of the time it just comes down to recognizing that you're indeed having a panic attack, and telling yourself that it will eventually pass - and it will, they are finite. the body can only sustain such a state for a certain amount of time. even in the most extreme circumstance, the worst that will happen is you'll pass out and your body/breathing will return to normal. although this never happened to me, i figured that it would be better than, say, dying.

since i usually got them when i was in a classroom, i would write myself little notes and just focus on deep breathing whle telling myself that it was psychological and it would pass.
Last edited by slowriot_Archive on Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Panic Attacks.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
wiggins wrote:What exactly does a "panic attack" usually entail? I feel like I've had these before, but I have no clue how to gauge their mildness. I feel like mine are pretty mild: sweaty palms, increased heart rate, shallow breathing, hair-tugging, rapidly clenching and stretching of my hands.

That's a pretty impressive set of symptoms, young wiggins!

There is also perhaps the feeling that you need to escape immediately from wherever you are at that particular moment in time.

That's another fun symptom!

Of course, I'm neither a doctor nor a frequent sufferer of severe panic attacks. However, you might want to lay off the G.D. caffeine and get some G.D. exercise. Some people also get help from the pillz.

Hey! Don't screw around with panic attacks!

They mess you up good!


I also have the other fun symptom.


I didn't think my "attacks" were all that serious. I just thought it was me being nervous. I can say it's happened far less frequently as I've aged.
HotATLdiy|HAWKS[/img]|[url=]Blame Game

Panic Attacks.

Hey chaps, I can tell you that I have indeed had ONE bonafide, honest-to-God panic attack a few years ago, and it was probably the most terrifying the thing I've ever experienced. I had just smoked a bowl, and was driving down the road when I had the sensation of paralyzing fear all through my body. My limbs LOCKED UP on the steering wheel, and I had to fight like hell just to steer the Jeep back to my house. I had these thoughts that my life was a waste, that nobody cared about me, that I would basically be better off dead. I was pretty much sure I was going to DIE right that moment, and, even though I'm an atheist, I started praying to God to somehow save my life. After ten minutes, the great fear subsided, and I was back to normal. I ended up having to go to a Psych Ward the next day because the experience shook me so powerfully.

When other people mention how they have felt "panic attacks", I get confused because they describe symptoms that are not very emotionally powerful. They even mention having these "panic attacks" frequently! If I had to endure an experience like the one I've described FREQUENTLY, I'd probably go nuts!

Basically, it was such a physically- and psychically-charged occurrence that I sometimes have the feeling that it was, indeed, a religious experience. Since that day, I have not ruled out the possibility that there is a God. Whatever it was that saved my life out there on the road, whether chance or some spiritual force, I am very grateful for it.

I ended up having to go to therapy later, and I gave up drugs and drinking. I am now a stable, well-functioning guy, and have never had another experience even remotely similar to that one. I still live in fear that it may happen again, though.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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