Do you have to dumb it down at work?

Everyone I work with is a fucking idiot. Real morons. Some are nice and all but nobody is anywhere near intelligent whatsoever. I have to dumb it way, way down to get along with everyone and not seem like a prick.
It's starting to get to me. I feel as if I am becoming as dumb as them. I feel less and less creative every day, less joy and a bleaker outlook every day. It bothers me a lot. I enjoy the actual work and the fringe benefits are such that I'd be insane to give them up, so it's hard to just say fuck this and find a new job with some people I can have a conversation with without wanting to stab them in the face.
I am not saying I am the smartest guy on Earth by a long shot, but these people I'm talking about....I just heard a long drawn out conversation on the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie, and not an amusing one like some halfway intelligent people might have was just very sad.
Anyone else have this problem?
Again this is not me saying 'I am so smart nobody is as smart as me' there are plenty of people smarter than me, just not at my work.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Do you have to dumb it down at work?

In my experience, the large majority of people out there are not very intelligent at all. It's just an unfortunate aspect of reality that may be hard to deal with at times but that must be accepted if you're to feel secure and stable in the world in which you live. Especially these days, when television and the internet have replaced books as the main sources of entertainment and education, the American mind is decaying at an appalling rate that I don't foresee slowing any time soon.

The thing to do, I've found, is to find those few people who are intelligent and make friends with them. It's difficult, because we are, at least in this country, awash in a sea of blockheads. But when you can find those rare people, latch on to them as though they were fucking life-savers thrown down from heaven.
Gay People Rock

Do you have to dumb it down at work?

NerblyBear wrote:In my experience, the large majority of people out there are not very intelligent at all. It's just an unfortunate aspect of reality that may be hard to deal with at times but that must be accepted if you're to feel secure and stable in the world in which you live.

It was actually a harsh realization of this fact that induced my panic attack today.

The world can be a sad place to live in sometimes.

Do you have to dumb it down at work?

I don't "dumb it down" as much as I simply don't talk to people about anything that isn't related to work.

In fact, some co-workers invited me out for drinks last night. I decided I should probably go just once.

I just sort of sat there, drinking large amounts.

They wouldn't understand, man...
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Do you have to dumb it down at work?

[quote="the_rekonerand i thought i was the only one who felt this way.

a scary thought but, what if everyone is dumbing it down? even the really dumb people![/quote]

you could be right. maybe my co-workers are mad bastards with interesting lives and lots to say but they're afraid to speak up cos they think i won't understand. i doubt it though...doubt it a lot. one guy in my job 'confided' in me there the other day that he smoked two joints when he was younger. TWO. to preserve my veneer of decency i called him a junkie and refused to talk to him anymore.

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