Your favorite song.

miseryandthesun wrote:Washer?
Subterranean Homesick Blues?
Monkey Trick?
Dear Prudence?
Song #1?

Who knows!


Forgive me for responding in such an unkind manner. But try to pick one song and have it be your unqualified favorite.

That's much more interesting that a list of favorites.

A list of favorites is easy. But what's the best? Just answer the question. Don't tell us it's hard - we know it's hard. That's the point of asking it.

= Justin

Your favorite song.

"Just What I Needed" by The Cars. Many have contended for the crown over the years, many have come close. None have overtaken. I have no idea why I love this song so much, it makes me completely retarded everytime I hear it.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

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