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Blues guy : Junior Kimbrough

Some of the most hypnotic, raggedy-assed shuffling slop I have ever heard.


From the Fat Possum website:

"Junior was 67 when died of heart failure on January 17, 1998 at Mildred's apartment in the Holly Springs public housing project, watching TV on her couch. Mildred Washington, his companion of 30 years, had been taking care of him. Junior Kimbrough still kept a one-room bachelor's apartment at the time of his death: immaculately clean, with nothing whatsoever on the walls or tables, no pictures, no tour posters, nothing. Junior knew what he had accomplished, and didn't need any souvenirs. In addition to the 36 children he claimed, Junior put his brand on music."

Searching for that album cover picture above, I came across this page:

There are some superb photos. Like this one:


Blues guy : Junior Kimbrough

Yousendits for the edification of the masses:

Kimbrough on his own: "Meet Me In The City"
This one's pretty and wistful and seems to unify time. He could do this forever. Actually, I seriously want him to. You see how it fades at the end? That's because the true performance never ended and, in fact, continues to this day.

Kimbrough with a band: "You Better Run"
This is creepy and tense. Iggy Pop covered it on a tribute album; this was not a good choice, as Iggy's larger-than-life sort fo craziness turned it into a silly cartoon.


Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

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