Anyone ever have a conflict with SONAR and WIN XP?

I was up late last night mixing a project in SONAR 3, and as I was about two minutes from being done, I copied a .wav file and pasted it into a new track and all hell broke loose. SONAR locked up, a windows dialog box popped up and said SONAR.EXE had encountered a problem and had to shutdown. So, it shutdown, but now anytime I try to go back and reopen this project the same exact thing happens as soon as I try to open it.? Ive never had anything like this happen. Is my file completely corrupt now? Anyway I can recover it?
I sent an email to tech support, but since its the weekend I probably wont hear back until Tuesday or Wednesday.
I need to finish work on this.
(on a related note, the computer this happened on is p4, 2ghz, 200gb hd,512 ram, relatively new, very clean, and used only for audio work.)
any help would be awesome

"...slowly panning across something kind of crappy."

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