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i fucking hate protools

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:19 pm
by MTAR_Archive
that's it/ i fucking hate this godamn piece of shit software. no, i am not saying i hate digital recording. what i am saying is that i hate this fucking program. i have used many different recording programs and although everyone of them pisses me off to certain degree, none piss me off like protools. protools makes me punch things. fuck it in the ass.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:54 am
by nick92675_Archive
i've spent all night on cubase sx. i fucking HATE trying to dial in eq/compression settings with a mouse. ...can't ...wait.... to get.... my real... equipment.... home.....


i fucking hate protools

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:01 pm
by Dylan_Archive
I was thinking about this watching a ProTools demo - why do they make the interfaces so much like the real thing that they're imitating? It's easy to use a knob on a reverb unit, but to manipulate the mouse over a knob so that up=to the right and then down=more to the right is just stupid.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:35 pm
by nick92675_Archive
yeah, theres an eq "view" that doesnt look like a console eq, and that's way easier to use. seeing the knobs just pisses me off because you wanna touch your screen and turn them and it just mocks you. "haha. you can't turn me. imagine how EASY this would be to do if i were a real knob on a console. FUCK YOU!"

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:01 pm
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
adobe audition has this licked. there are some instances of faders, which are fine cause you just slide them up or down like a normal fader. but for things like eq, or lots of other places where there might be a knob, there's just a box with a number in it. and you can either a) type a specific number in the box, or b) click inside the box and then drag up or down to raise or lower the value. powerful, no-bullshit. the ability to type in a specifc number is pretty cool, too, cause it makes duplicating values from one track to another very easy and totally precise.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:18 pm
by sndo_Archive
if using a computer is your only option, get Nuendo. I'm much happier with it than pro tools. i've heard that the sound quality is just as good as pro tools too. very solid program.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:35 am
by e_shaun_Archive
sndo wrote:if using a computer is your only option, get Nuendo. I'm much happier with it than pro tools. i've heard that the sound quality is just as good as pro tools too. very solid program.


I've also heard nothing but good things about Audition; I was selected to do a beta test for it and went through all the rigamarole, only to realize much too late that I didn't have the proper O/S to run it.

So I still use Nuendo. :wink:

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:30 pm
by MTAR_Archive
I use Samplitude for PC and I find it to an amazing program. I believe it is similar to Nuendo (it's also german), but apparently with less bugs. It uses ASIO drivers, and POW-R 3 dither applied to all audio tracks. It's a great sounding program and a pleasure to work with. You can also sequence and burn a CD straight out of the program, which I find to be extremely useful. Looks nice too. The reason I chose Samplitude over Nuendo was because of their cross-grade offer. All I did was send them a xerox copy of my SONAR CDs and they gave me a 50% discount. I am very happy with my purchase, it's worth the full price. The best thing about Samplitude is it's stability. No, I don't work for them, Im russian. I just like their software.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:01 pm
by mParkerR_Archive
We use PT like a RADAR with no plugins (except for occasional Massenberg and URS EQs in conjunction with outboard API EQ). This system is in use 14 hours a day, 6 days a week and in 2 years of use, there have been half a dozen incidents of frustration.

I sum PT in analog and print mixes to 1" 2 track.

If you rely too much on digital, you will sound like shit. Avoid plugins like the plague.

i fucking hate protools

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:00 am
by neemer_Archive
There's this other program that doesn't involve mice (mouses? meese?), no dragging, plug-ins, no reverb knobs controlled by the meese (mice? mouses?). It's called "fucking analog." :D