Why isn t alternative hip hop a " thing?"

Not a rhetorical question. I seriously mean to ask: why are those considered the best rappers/rap groups also the most famous? Wu Tang, Nas, Pete Rock, whatever. All these guys sell tons and tons of records and are pretty much unanimously considered Greatest of All Time candidates. Why isn't there a "indie rock" version of hip hop (or at least one that's considered any good)?
We are The Fall in the Neighbourhood of Infinity

Why isn t alternative hip hop a " thing?"

I would say the 'pretty much unanimously considered' best rock bands are some of the best selling, in the Beatles, CCR, The Dan, or Zeppelin. Doesn't mean indie rock doesn't exist.

The cat that got famous for never being famous,
I'll probably roam the underground streets for all time,
Signed, sincerely, Juice... the Unsigned.
Last edited by skatingbasser_Archive on Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


Why isn t alternative hip hop a " thing?"

Molemen, All Natural*, Sharkula; some local (Chicago) hip hop artists that could be considered "indie" (in fact All Natural is on an indie rock label; Thrill Jockey). I'm sure there's no shortage of good underground hip hop acts that aren't on major labels.

I don't necessarily agree that those considered to be the best rappers are also the most famous. I guess it depends on who's doing the considering.

*I believe the members of All Natural are Muslim, and in the past they've banned smoking and drinking from their shows. I doubt they'll be rocketing to super-stardom in the near future, but not for lack of talent.

Why isn t alternative hip hop a " thing?"

2nd'ed on the rhymesayers. the POS record is great too - if you haven't heard it, you'd probably be suprised, hip hop sampling hardcore bands, craig finn doing verses... it's pretty good......


that song doesnt show the wierdness as much but the record does have lots of punk stuff in it that's pretty crazy - preview the audition record at itunes. the rest of the record is a lot harder than that song/video.
post honeymoon | bang! bang! | new black

Why isn t alternative hip hop a " thing?"

check out:

Dr. Octagon !
Handsome Boy Modeling School !
Del Tha Funky Homosapien !
Heiroglyphics !
Deltron 3030 !
Blackalicious !

if you havnt noticed, dan the automator has a lot to do with most of the names up there. that guy is insane, MOST of anything hes involved with is worth a shot or three.

i love all of them and i can see it being considered as an "alternative", but then again they just seem to be "overlooked". i have no idea why.

ignore the wack mc's.

you can be sure i'd love to bite.

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