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RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:47 am
by russ_Archive
I apologize that it has taken me so long to respond to this topic, but I've been quite busy brushing up and doing research so I could respond in an informed and educated manner. Below you will find my response to Mr. Henderson, Owner of iZ, Inc., makers of the RADAR audio recording system. I plan to cover the topics listed below as they are the ones which were addressed by Mr. Henderson as well as ones which weigh heavily on my mind.


Open Sourceitude

Real Time OSity

Digitality vs. Analogity

DaveiZDave is a Marketroid

Hardware Obsolescity

Without further ado, let's get started.


bhenderson wrote:To address your technical queries regarding OP Systems: We chose BeOS for several reasons:

1) Stability

Linux is widely known around the world as one of the most stable operating systems you can use. Of all the operating systems out there, only the BSDs seem to have higher uptimes on, a website which tracks the uptime and operating system of various other web sites. Such sites as, and run Linux for their web servers because they know it's the best option for them when it comes to stability. Science labs like Fermilab and CERN push the limits of computation on their linux clusters, and computer graphics and animation studios like Industrial Light and Magic use Linux to render major films. I'm not trying to say that BeOS isn't stable, there is plenty of user feedback to show that it is, but it's not widely known as one of the most stable operating systems, of which Linux is.

bhenderson wrote:We have customers that have literally had their RADAR's powered up for 2 to 3 years without a problem, using them every day.

I'd like to see the log of this. Do you have a printout of the uptime of these systems?

I should mention that there is a big difference between uptime, availability, and stability. Uptime is simply the time since the last reboot of a machine. Availability is how useful a machine is, or you could think of it as the ratio of uptime to downtime. And stability is how well a machine can stand up to stress. It is pretty common to lump these three things all under stability, but I hope that you can see that the stability of a machine increases in proportion to its uptime and availability. It's not only a good operating system or proficient programming that makes a stable system, it's quality hardware, stress tests, and high levels of quality assurance (QA).

Having the QA department of your company test out your system can only do so much, and is a limited resource of feedback. The true test results come after your customers have had the chance to use and abuse your product in the real world. The development model behind Linux and it's open sourced applications is one that involves sharing ideas and new code on mailing lists, newsgroups, forums, and through CVS (Concurrent Versions System). This ensures a healthy testing of all systems in real world environments on a variety of platforms before they are committed to a stable release and before they are publicized and used by the general public.

Open Sourceitude

bhenderson wrote:2) Low Incorporation Fee

I'm not sure if everyone here is aware, but it's tough to beat Linux's price. Because of open source and the GPL, you can download Linux right now from a number of places in a number of different, or specific, forms for only the cost of your internet connection. If you use your friends internet connection, or a public internet connection, then you can have it for free. You can also buy it for only a few dollars on a CD-ROM and have it shipped to you from sites such as www, If you don't have a good internet connection or any money, you can probably get a copy for free from many different Linux user groups that meet every so often in towns all around the world.

On the other hand, I couldn't even figure out where I could buy the Professional version of BeOS.

Yet, I'm not surprised to see that the majority of the development efforts surrounding BeOS have taken a more open source tone. Looking around you can see that many of the applications and tools that come standard with most Linux distributions are now ported over to BeOS so that BeOS users can have the power that Linux users enjoy everyday. One project really caught my attention: ReOS, which allows BeOS user to replace the closed source parts of their BeOS system with the open source equivalent as soon as it is developed or reverse engineered. This brings me to my argument for open source development.

The benefit of open source development comes from the simple fact that the developers aren't hiding their progress on a project. Because they allow anyone to review what they are working on, advances and breakthroughs occur much faster than if they were to hide their work.

In the introduction to 'Open Sources', DiBona, Ockman, & Stone wrote:Imagine for a moment if Newton had withheld his laws of motion, and instead gone into business as a defense contractor to artillerists following the 30 Years War. "No, I won't tell you how I know about parabolic trajectories, but I'll calibrate your guns for a fee." The very idea, of course, sounds absurd. Not only did science not evolve this way, but it could not have evolved this way. If that had been the mindset of those scientifically inclined, their very secrecy would have kept science from developing and evolving at all.

BeOS users are benefitting from the work that Linux users are doing in order to use, say, new video cards or wireless networking cards being released by companies which don't supply drivers for Linux. In a similar fashion, Linux users can benefit as well if a BeOS user writes a driver for a video card that the Linux user has but can't get to work. Unfortunately, this only works if people and companies release the source code to their particular project. A compiled binary for a BeOS driver or application isn't going to do the Linux user any good.

Obviously, companies know this. That's why no one is running the RADAR application on their Mac right now. What companies like RADAR, DigiDesign, and MOTU fail to see (or if they do see it, they refuse to succumb to), is what they are missing out on by not only porting their applications to other systems, but by not open sourcing at least the majority of their code. If they want to keep a part of it closed and to themselves, that's fine. Zend does this with its PHP preprocessor in order to make money. But PHP (a web scripting language) wouldn't be nearly as popular and featureful today if it wasn't open sourced and able to work without the Zend preprocessor.

bhenderson wrote:We initially ported over to Linux in back 1998 and found it to be very slow to boot up - well over 1 minute. RADAR boots up and is in record in under 60 seconds

BeOS's Be File System (BFS) is a journaled file system (JFS). Journaled file systems traditionally have faster boot up times, although this is not the main reason people use them. Back in 1998, a journaled file system didn't come standard with most Linux distributions, although you could've implemented one with a simple download. Today they are the default file system used in most Linux distributions and they continue to get faster as the development effort increases. BFS is at least 5 years old, file systems like ReiserFS and ext3 have nightly builds and continual updates based on improvements made by developers everyday.

While a journaled file system helps, the speed of boot-up has a lot to do with how many daemons you have to load on start up and whether certain features are compiled into the kernel or if they are loaded as modules. If you compile subsystems into the kernel, and keep the number of modules and daemons to the minimum needed, you decrease start up time. It's that simple.

Likewise, unless you upgrade to a new kernel or something as low level as a kernel, and you are on a stable system, you never have to reboot. If you upgrade or change something in a subsystem, all you have to do is tell that particular subsystem to restart. It usually only takes a few seconds to restart a particular subsystem or daemon, such as networking.

Therefore, it's hard to argue about start up time when you only have to start the entire system once.

To get to my point, rather than dropping their work with Linux and just focusing on BeOS, they could have continued development, even if it were on the side, with Linux. They could have spent their time working with other groups that were having similar problems and coming up with solutions together which would aid the advancement of Linux, and therefore art and science, for everyone. Instead, they took the selfish route. You can't really blame a company for wanting to stay in business, so maybe this looked like the better solution to the owner. The problem with this decision was that it was shortsighted. I find that shortsightedness on the part of iZ is their biggest flaw, and one that pops up in every aspect of their argument toward RADAR being the best solution.

Real Time OSity

bhenderson wrote:3) Speed(its [BeOS] real time)

bhenderson wrote:Also, Linux is not a real time operating system

Once again, this is a very shortsighted comment. Although Mr. Henderson is correct in stating that BeOS is a real-time OS, he thinks that Linux cannot be real-time as well. This is absolutely incorrect. First things first, let's explain what a real-time operating system is, as definitions can vary. Let me quote Dr. Victor Yodaiken who is the principal architect of RTLinux, an extension to the Linux kernel for real-time control:

Dr. Victor Yodaiken wrote:A real-time operating system gives application programmers a method of designating some tasks as "real-time." And "real-time" tasks should run with minimal event latency (the time between an event such as an interrupt that triggers a task and the start of the task) and minimal jitter (the variation in running times of a task that is supposed to run at a fixed period).

We're obviously not talking about getting your stock ticker on your desktop in "real time".

Yodaiken says that, "Real-time performance should be characterized by worst case interrupt response times and worst case periodic jitter." So, we are always focusing on the worst case measurement. (I see a new marketing strategy, and DaveiZDave's ears perking up already).

Now, there are generally two types of real-time: soft real-time, and hard real-time. Soft real-time consists of memory locking, signal extensions, and scheduling issues. This is the "easy" real-time to implement. Hard real-time implements guaranteed latencies (measured in worst-case response times) among all the other aspects of soft real-time.

To further explain, a hard real-time system will make sure that the robot that is painting the car door shoots out the paint at the right time every time and stops shooting at the right time every time with a worst case latency that is known ahead of time by the designer. It never misses a door, and conserves paint usage. A soft real-time system, which won't fail if a deadline is missed, gets it right almost all the time, but won't fail if an event doesn't happen exactly when it should. A few doors get missed every now and then, and we use a little more paint. Yadaiken: "If there is a skip in a consumer video now and then, nobody will notice, but if you drop 5 packets in a row in a professional audio system, you may have ruined a recording."

BeOS is a soft real-time operating system. Its best-case latencies, as far as I can determine from my research, are 250 uSec on an unloaded system. While this is far better than what Windows or MacOS can provide, it's still not as fast and reliable as what you can achieve with a real-time Linux system.

There are currently two general ways that you can make a Linux system a real time system. Depending on what you need you can make it either a hard real time system, or a soft real time system. The two methods are achieved by applying patches to the main linux kernel. Patching a kernel is a common, and easily executed task. One patch is called the low-latency patch, and the other is called the preemtable patch. They work in different ways, but accomplish similar goals: making linux real-time. According to a paper published by Metroworks and figures published here, "both the preemtable and low-latency enhancements achieve greater than 99.5% task scheduling with less than 250 uSec interrupt latency on a heavily loaded test system. In the real world, it is reasonable to expect this performance to be closer to 100 uSec."

If you don't want to mess around with patches to the kernel, and you are designing an embedded OS type of project, there are custom built linux distributions, the most popular two being RTLinux and RTAI. Dr. Victor Yodaiken, mentioned above, heads up the RTLinux distribution. He's a vim user, but that's okay. There are many other companies, universities, and hobbiests working on real-time linux versions. Certainly there is one which would suit a manufacturer of an audio device or piece of audio software.

Don't forget that hardware also plays a part in the speed of a computer (how could you?). As computers get faster, and are able to do more calculations per second, so will the response time. But keep in mind that we will be pushing computers even harder as they advance, just as we always have. It almost goes without saying now, but no matter how you use a computer, you will continually need more storage, faster processing and faster transfer of data. How long will it be before every studio has a high speed server from which they place and pull all the files for a session?

bhenderson wrote:Since RADAR is the highest performing system on the market in terms of disk access we needed the real-time (we take direct control of the SCSI disk taking advantage of things such as "tagged command cueing"[sic] unlike DAW-based systems that rely on the operating system's file system)

The ability to use Tagged Command Queueing (TCQ) on SCSI disks has been in the linux kernel for years, and TCQ on IDE disks is now available. This is simply a misinformed or outdated comment by Mr. Henderson.

Digitality vs. Analogity

Where I work, we have been able, much to the success and beliefs of my boss, to survive without having to purchase a digital recording system. Luckily, the majority of our clients realize the advantages of recording to analog. I'm very aware that this is not the rule in these times, but rather, the exception. Many of my friends have turned to digital means of recording in the past few years. While they are enjoying the portability and features of digital recording and signal processing, I'm concerned with the risks they are taking. The audio world is one that is heavy on marketing and light on hard facts. Just like microphone manufacturers manipulate the spec sheets on their mics, manufacturers of digital audio workstations, devices, and programs manipulate the facts in order to make their product more competitive in the marketplace. They couldn't be more thilled than they currently are by the ignorance of the general semi-pro and pro audio consumer.

Who's to blame? Obviously, it's not entirely the manufacturers fault that they are able to sell you a DAW because it sounds more like an analog tape machine than even an analog tape machine sounds like an analog tape machine. Just as it's not entirely the fault of the consumer who doesn't understand disk I/O, native processing, or monolithic vs. micro kernel architectures.

Everyone thinks they have the answer to their particular problem. Everyone thinks they know the facts, and they toss around heresay willy-nilly in support of their methods.

DaveiZDave is a Marketroid

When I first read the posts of DaveiZDave, I would get pretty upset at his generalizations and inaccuracies. I could actually feel my face getting tighter. But now, after he's been around for a while, and although he does tend to make the same mistakes of over-generalizing and spouting half-truths, I kinda like the fact that he's stuck around. He gets my blood boiling, gets me digging through the books, and searching on google like a wild man for a reason why he can't possibly right. Often, this is the case with people like him. And by people like him, I mean that special type of hypocrite who seduces others with misinformation, leads them astray from the truth, reinforces them with flattery, and takes their money for his own personal gain. The only retribution is, according to Dante, that these folks usually end up in the eighth level of hell, closest to the devil.

Hardware Obsolescity

bhenderson wrote:All of the improvements to RADAR's feature set are done in the application software so we have no need to change the OP SYS. Since Palm bought BeOS there have been no changes to the OP SYS which we are rather glad about. With many other OP System manufactuers they force you to keep upgrading to the new version at increasing costs while introducing new bugs. For us, BeOS is sort of like a potato peeler. They haven't changed the design cause it just does what its supposed to do and does it very well - so don't fix what ain't broke.

This is one of those statements that makes me wonder if I'm wasting my time trying to explain why this type of mentality doesn't work. What stops me from saying that I have a pocket knife that can open your can, and that I can even stab the food inside the can with my knife and lift it to my mouth without having to touch the food with my dirty fingers? Or maybe I can use a sharp rock to open the can and then pour the contents into my mouth. What's the point? There isn't one. You're just trying to come up with excuses of why you use what you use. The difference between you and me is that your job is on the line, and mine isn't. You have to make people believe that you've built a better mouse trap, or else they won't buy it. I'm concerned that you've made a serious error in your decisions, that more and more of my collegues are going to believe your bullshit and get duped into spending their money on something that will serve them well in the short-term, but strangle them in the long-term.

For example, you make a proprietary keyboard-like hardware controller which serves as a user interface and controls your system. It has some fancy buttons on it for specific functions within your system, otherwise it's just a keyboard and a jogwheel. History shows that this type of thing is a major waste of time. There once was a company called Symbolics, who made a special keyboard for their Plasma Fusion machines and the MIT LISP machines. This keyboard had seven shift keys: Ctrl, Meta, Super, Hyper, Shift, Top, and Front. You could type over 8000 different characters on it! My personal favorites are the Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs Left, Thumbs Right, and Rub Out keys. You can see pictures and read about it here, but I wonder how many people today could or would even want to use this keyboard. Ditto with your hardware controller. How valuable is that piece of plastic going to be in 10 years when I, and the majority of the population, have been using a keyboard and mouse for over 25?

What about security? I noticed on the RADAR message board at that there were instructions for how to network the RADAR with a file server running Samba. First of all, Samba, a file sharing protocol reverse engineered to emulate and work with Microsoft Windows' Network Neighborhood's SMB and NMB protocols, wouldn't exist if it weren't for the linux community. Secondly, how does iZ plan to ensure the security of the RADAR systems they ship if they can't update the networking code of BeOS? How many of their users have their RADAR systems, as well as the connecting file servers, on unprotected networks? Making it trivial for the random, virtual passerby to delete all the audio files, and hours of work, on the hard drives.

Next, what about drivers? I'm curious, can the RADAR support two video cards? Last time I checked, the base install of BeOS didn't support a dual-headed display. A user will need a driver built by someone in the community to offer that feature.

The main problem with your argument that BeOS meets all of your criteria falls on its face in the light of the fact that hardware that is available will continue to become more and more powerful as time passes. You may have heard this described as Moore's Law. You can't just ignore this law can you? I doubt it. And history shows that you haven't. In fact, I believe that your company has already changed its operating system once already. You used to use MS-DOS as your operating system, before you ported to BeOS. How are you going to implement newer, faster, more powerful hardware features into BeOS? Oh wait, you can't. You don't have the source code.

Now just imagine, if you would have stuck with linux five years ago, you would already have all that time as experience under your belt. You could have contributed to the community and possibly pushed the boundries of our knowledge in certain areas even further than they are today. You would have established yourself in a good position for the future of hardware, and you could have made your current customers even happier.

bhenderson wrote:5) Great graphics capabilities

The graphics capabilites of a Redhat Linux 9 install are comperable to those of Mac OSX. The majority of graphics processing is being done in a hardware graphics card these days anyway. Since those graphics cards are almost faster than the computers of five years ago, graphics capabilities are becoming less and less of an issue no matter what type of system you are running. As far as I'm concerned, unless you want to squabble about running programs like Maya, Blender, or 3dsMax, then this issue is moot.

bhenderson wrote:...we are very open to alternative suggestions. If a new operation system comes along that provides us with significant advantages for our customers we'd look at it.

My original post was mostly about the fact that I couldn't understand why more digital audio companies weren't looking to Linux as a useful solution to serve as a basis for their products. I gave a hypothetical situation where one of these companies would do a port over to Linux and provide their product to their customers online so they could take advantage of all that open source software has to offer. I still can't understand why it seems so hard for those companies to realize the benefits of Linux and open source. If they would simply open their eyes to what is happening in other scientific communities, and what is happening in the grass-roots efforts of the audio computing community, they might be able to get in while the getting is good and establish themselves as heros rather than just another dumb, self-interested, money-grubbing corporation.

Darryl Rubin, 'A Problem in the Making', 'InfoWorld' wrote: "We've got a problem, HAL".
"What kind of problem, Dave?"
"A marketing problem. The Model 9000 isn't going anywhere. We're
way short of our sales goals for fiscal 2010."
"That can't be, Dave. The HAL Model 9000 is the world's most
advanced Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer."
"I know, HAL. I wrote the data sheet, remember? But the fact is,
they're not selling."
"Please explain, Dave. Why aren't HALs selling?"
Bowman hesitates. "You aren't IBM compatible."
"The letters H, A, and L are alphabetically adjacent to the letters
I, B, and M. That is a IBM compatible as I can be."
"Not quite, HAL. The engineers have figured out a kludge."
"What kludge is that, Dave?"
"I'm going to disconnect your brain."

Thanks for reading,

RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 4:24 am
by jlarcombe_Archive

Just a comment on the BeOS v. Linux issue with regards to 'stability' and 'uptime'. Linux is indeed generally very stable, if properly installed and maintained, but the reason you won't see much of BeOS on netcraft is that it has been used most widely in the embedded field. Now, the stresses and strains upon embedded devices are rather different to those upon servers, and in the most part they simply *cannot* afford to 'crash', so the fact that BeOS has been successful in this field would seem to indicate a high degree of stability. (No ax to grind here as I've never developed for BeOS, or even used it for any length of time, but just thought I'd point out the embedded distinction.)

Also, the comments about Linux being 'free' are perhaps a little inapplicable to the RADAR application. Companies who embed an OS into their own custom devices generally want it to "just work" (rather like the potato peeler analogy in the original post) and are willing to pay for this to avoid 'fiddling around'. Of course you can pay people to make Linux "just work", but I suspect it's slightly less appropriate for embeddable devices 'out of the box' than BeOS, so this must be considered when calculating the 'cost' to a company like iZ.

As the man once said, "Linux is only free if your time is of no value". (I speak as a sometime-Linux user!)


RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:17 am
by casey_rice_Archive
jlarcombe wrote:Just a comment
so the fact that BeOS has been successful in this field would seem to indicate a high degree of stability. (No ax to grind here as I've never developed for BeOS, or even used it for any length of time, but just thought I'd point out the embedded distinction.)

...and I would in turn like to point out that you are in fact wrong in your argument: Linux is by far more prevalent in operating systems for embedded devices than BeOS.

jlarcombe wrote:Also, the comments about Linux being 'free' are perhaps a little inapplicable to the RADAR application. Companies who embed an OS into their own custom devices generally want it to "just work" (rather like the potato peeler analogy in the original post) and are willing to pay for this to avoid 'fiddling around'. Of course you can pay people to make Linux "just work", but I suspect it's slightly less appropriate for embeddable devices 'out of the box' than BeOS, so this must be considered when calculating the 'cost' to a company like iZ.

if someone is to develop an operating system for a device like a RADAR system, it isn't a matter of 'just working' someone has to code it to 'just work'. this is the true for Linux, BeOS, or WindowsCP or whatever that vampire embedded OS is called. my suspicion is that whoever chose BeOS as the OS for the RADAR system did so because there was already someone on their staff who was either capable or enthusiastic about doing it in BeOS. I seriously doubt anyone who made the operating system for the RADAR didn't have to do an inordinate amount of coding and debugging to get it to 'just work', likely equivalent to doing it using Linux. Your point misses the point methinks.

jlarcombe wrote:As the man once said, "Linux is only free if your time is of no value". (I speak as a sometime-Linux user!)

Yes, and you can spend also many hours trying to get your personal computer to 'just work' in MacOS9 MacOSX Linux FreeBSD Windows or any other operating system you choose. I personally have experience using MacOS(9+X), Linux, BeOS, and Windows. I have experience with audio on all these and Linux is only the second preference behind feeling is in due time, it will be my first. And the software will be free for me to use (cost wise).

As far as the Linux-is-not-good-as-real-time argument, I do believe the latest kernel patches I've been using with my RedHat/Planet-CCRMA Linux audio machine has delivered results in the order of 0.9 msec latency for audio for those who use it with a faster machine (CPU Linux machine is a 266mHz). Try that with Windows or MacOS (any flavor). for some info please have a look around here you may find that in fact Linux is emerging as the most cost-effective and low latency solution in digital audio

and you can now run VST audio in Linux as well...Linux is catching up faster with the rest than the rest are progressing. this is quite promising in terms of using personal computers for recording/editing/mixing audio. I do and will continue to use Linux for audio as I feel it is the best choice for our uncertain computing futures. And yes I am forced to use ProTools, but will be very happy when the day comes when I am not forced to.


RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:43 am
by jlarcombe_Archive
...and I would in turn like to point out that you are in fact wrong in your argument: Linux is by far more prevalent in operating systems for embedded devices than BeOS.

Actually that wasn't my argument - I was merely pointing out why BeOS doesn't figure highly in the netcraft list. No doubt Linux *is* more prevelent in embedded devices. It's just that BeOS has been used in more embedded devices than it has been in servers!

I seriously doubt anyone who made the operating system for the RADAR didn't have to do an inordinate amount of coding and debugging to get it to 'just work', likely equivalent to doing it using Linux. Your point misses the point methinks.

Maybe. All I meant was that the BeOS Inc. is/was a company who are/were by all accounts well-versed in tuning their product for embedded devices (or advising clients on how to proceed with such an endeavour), and as such probably seemed like a fairly safe bet for a corporation. Of course, there are people you can pay to do this for you with Linux, and there are undoubtedly *more* people who know how to do it.

I personally have experience using MacOS(9+X), Linux, BeOS, and Windows. I have experience with audio on all these and Linux is only the second preference behind feeling is in due time, it will be my first. And the software will be free for me to use (cost wise).

I wonder if it will... I'm a professional developer of music software for Windows and MacOS9/X, and I'm not sure I could get someone to pay me to sit and write free software all day. Maybe things will change, though.


RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:48 pm
by brian_Archive
russ/ casey/ anyone,
what audio applications have you run on linux? are there any that you thought
were far better than all the others?
if you've worked with a particular set up that you liked, i'd be interested in
hearing a description of all the components in the system.

RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:30 pm
by russ_Archive
jlarcombe wrote:Just a comment on the BeOS v. Linux issue with regards to 'stability' and 'uptime'. Linux is indeed generally very stable, if properly installed and maintained, but the reason you won't see much of BeOS on netcraft is that it has been used most widely in the embedded field. Now, the stresses and strains upon embedded devices are rather different to those upon servers, and in the most part they simply *cannot* afford to 'crash', so the fact that BeOS has been successful in this field would seem to indicate a high degree of stability. (No ax to grind here as I've never developed for BeOS, or even used it for any length of time, but just thought I'd point out the embedded distinction.)


I stayed away from addressing BeOS as an embedded OS as much as possible as it is still not particularly clear if RADAR is running BeOS in an embedded manner. I realize the line here can get cloudy, but I'm willing to error on the argument that iZ are running BeOS in a similar fashion to the way that you would run a customized version of Linux. Our TiVo runs Linux, but you wouldn't really know it if you didn't read about it. The operating system is still stored on the harddrive, not on a ROM chip. To me, an embedded implementation, means that the operating system is on some type of read-only chip, not on a hard drive. So, the reason that I mentioned netcraft, CERN, Fermilab, and ILM, is that those types of examples show that people are pushing their computers much harder than a cell phone user would be.

jlarcombe wrote:Also, the comments about Linux being 'free' are perhaps a little inapplicable to the RADAR application. Companies who embed an OS into their own custom devices generally want it to "just work" (rather like the potato peeler analogy in the original post) and are willing to pay for this to avoid 'fiddling around'. Of course you can pay people to make Linux "just work", but I suspect it's slightly less appropriate for embeddable devices 'out of the box' than BeOS, so this must be considered when calculating the 'cost' to a company like iZ.

There are plenty of companies who are working hard to make embedded and/or versions of Linux, from whom you can purchase a "just-working" product to implement. My point was that you don't have to pay for many versions, and, for example, the patches which make it real-time, if you choose not to. This is a much better philosophy from a scientific perspective as it allows just about anyone take advantage of a very valuable resource for little or no cost, and have the freedom to use it for any purpose they see fit.

jlarcombe wrote:As the man once said, "Linux is only free if your time is of no value". (I speak as a sometime-Linux user!)

Why proclaim yourself as a Linux user, and then say such an idiotic thing?
The Scientific Method is free too. What are you gonna say about that?


RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:30 pm
by casey_rice_Archive
I guess I could take a few steps back and say my interest in using Linux could be summarized thusly: I don't eat McDonald's nor do I use Windows. I don't feel either are contributing very much to the future of the planet. Call me a hippy, I don't give a shit.

As far as what applications I run using Linux, I would have to say most of my 'serious' work is done using a package called Pure Data. Pure Data (pd for short) is a sort of quasi-object oriented programming language with a graphical user interface. Its focus is mainly in doing realtime audio, but video libraries (Gem/pdp/PiDiP) ) are being developed rapidly. It is quite similar to the environment Max/ is in fact invented by the same person, Miller Puckette, who now teaches at UC San Diego. pd is free, Max is not. I also use the video library for max called nato.055 modular, which is a library for QuickTime functionality using Max.
I use Max and nato to make custom software for music groups and artists to do things with real time video that aren’t possible with your typical FinalCutPro, etc. software. If you have recently seen Tortoise or Wilco, and they had video in their shows, that is the software created by myself and others generating the projections used during the shows. I plan to eventually use Linux/pd to replace my Mac machines as they fail (inevitably, laptops aren’t desined to withstand the rigors of going on rock’n’roll tours). In fact I recently replaced my dead powerbook 1400 and max patch with a 266mhz Toshiba laptop running Linux and pd. Its function within the video setup is to generate data from audio input (split from monitor desk to a Mackie mixer, aux send out) and network it on a LAN to the machines which draw the video. It is working quite nicely. It also functions quite well as a webserver, chat server, and gateway for the rest of the LAN. In this way if we wish to share the data we are generating with audio it can easily be sent to the Interweb™ as well as our local machines (admittedly more interesting for art purposes than rock concerts).

For more info on Max, nato.055 and pd, check these links:

My interest in Planet-CCRMA/Linux lies in that fact that I teach at a local community arts center here in Melbourne, and the majority of my students simply cannot afford the flagship indie-rock DAW setup of a Macintosh and Digidesign hardware. Most of my students are from a low income background, and our course is state subsidized (aud$60 tuition for a 20 week course) Many of them also have never used a personal computer to do anything with audio (or anything else for that matter) and I would prefer to teach them something with which they can afford the hardware/software to continue using outside of the classroom. Apple machines in Australia ar simply much too expensive for them to buy. Windows and Mac audio applications for 'pro' audio and midi sequencing also tend to be quite expensive. So I am interested in solutions which are both affordable and usable and Linux is emerging as the best bet for our low-income future. I also, as a teaacher in a public institution, cannot condone the use of cracked software as a solution to people who want to do computer based audio and midi. The CubaseVST software for which the center has licenses for is very expensive to buy, and in my opinion not all that great an application. (Their purchase and use of this to teach audio is something established long before my appearance on the scene, I have no choice but to use it) plan is to slowly migrate everything to dual booting machines, with Windows and Linux installed on all the workstations available to the students.

Have a pleasant day everyone, and don’t forget that latest Windows security looks pretty gnarly.

RLOSRTM [Radar, Linux, Open Source, Real Time and More]

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 2:56 pm
by DaveiZDave_Archive
Hi Russ,

Sorry if I've misled you or anyone else in any way. That is never my intention.

I have never been called a Marketroid before but thanks for your comment. That's actually kinda fun.

Just to clarify a couple of things - I have been recording with analog gear for more years than many readers of this forum have lived and I am a huge fan of analog recording. I have earned my primary income all my adult life from playing and recording music. I don't need to work for iZ Technology and if I didn't truly enjoy the Company, the people and the product I would not. I believe the RADAR is the best audio recorder in the world hands down. That's my personal considered opinion based on my own personal experience with RADAR and most other audio recorders made since WWII. You can agree with me or not. If you have first hand experience with RADAR I'd love to hear what you think of it. I have avoided talking on any public forum about many things I love to share about the benefits I believe RADAR offers. Instead my focus has been on answering specific questions posed herein. Frankly I have no interest in spamming on this or any other forum as I am far too busy with daily business and I believe it would be foolhardy to expect a significant return on the investment of time spent to even consider forums a valid marketing vehicle. That is not the purpose of any forum or participation thereon. I occaisionally read this forum in search of new knowledge and in so doing I infrequently offer answers to others when it seems appropriate. I only talk about things I know about, hence I am leaving the OS issues for someone who knows far more than I do.
Q. What other companies are running their HDR on Linux?

If someone had suggested to me even 5 years ago that I would EVER use a digital system as a primary Recorder I would have thought them insane. My first experience with RADAR was when I was hired to mix an album which I naturally assumed would be on 2' tape, only to find there was RADAR Session Controller in the studio when I arrived. Sometimes a gig is a gig so I decided to just go with the flow considering that the tracking was mostly done and I concluded that the damage was hence probably already done because of it. The great surprise was that most of the tracks sounded Great! The next few days were some of the most enjoyable of my life. Since that time I have preferred RADAR over any other system I have used before or since. It functions just like a tape machine but without any mechanical maintenance and it has the added benefit of cut and paste editing that I could never do with tape, it never fails in critical applications, it even sounds better to me than the beloved A80. Ok so that's my commercial if you like, but really it's just why I use RADAR personally and will continue to do so even if I cease to be so closely affiliated with iZ. This opinion is shared but many hundreds of prominent Engineers and Producers, most of whom were previously pretty hardcore analog tape fans.

If there are any points of alleged inaccuracy you would care to discuss here I would appreciate an opportunity to address them specifically. If you prefer to contact me offline please feel free to do so at:

