A reminder about this weekends benefit:
EMPTY BOTTLE - SAT. 1/27/07 (8:00pm; $15)
A benefit for J. Robbins & Family featuring:
Eleventh Dream Day
Chin Up Chin Up
Bobby Conn
The Life and Times
Red Eyed Legends
As many of you already know, J. ROBBINS (of BURNING AIRLINES, CHANNELS and JAWBOX fame) and his family have recently discovered that their new born child CALLUM ROBBINS has been diagnosed with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a rare genetic motor neuron disease. The disease is brutal, often fatal and treatments options are prohibitively expensive. This particular outing will serve as a fundraiser for the ROBBINS family and proceeds from this event will be given directly to them. Those of you who are willing to contribute but unable to participate can make a donation on the
DeSoto Records site.