Shellac at Subterranean April 27th

A reminder about this weekends benefit:

EMPTY BOTTLE - SAT. 1/27/07 (8:00pm; $15)
A benefit for J. Robbins & Family featuring:

Eleventh Dream Day

Chin Up Chin Up

Bobby Conn

The Life and Times

Red Eyed Legends

As many of you already know, J. ROBBINS (of BURNING AIRLINES, CHANNELS and JAWBOX fame) and his family have recently discovered that their new born child CALLUM ROBBINS has been diagnosed with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a rare genetic motor neuron disease. The disease is brutal, often fatal and treatments options are prohibitively expensive. This particular outing will serve as a fundraiser for the ROBBINS family and proceeds from this event will be given directly to them. Those of you who are willing to contribute but unable to participate can make a donation on the DeSoto Records site.

Shellac at Subterranean April 27th

Heeby Jeeby wrote:'tis a great thing this. i was at the dianogah show at the end of december and got to see a great show AND help a good cause at the same time. you cannot fucking beat that for a night out.

You! Dianogah! You're never gonna make any money doing this band thing if you only play benefit shows! What the hell is the matter with you? Are you communists!

I bet none of you will respond because you're too chicken.

= Justin

Shellac at Subterranean April 27th

Wait! I changed my mind. You're greedy fuckers! You're profiting off the difficult situations of other people as a way to promote your band.

DIANOGAH IS THE MOST SELFISH BAND EVER AND I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH THAT CRAP. I'll be they keep playing benefit shows, thereby proving that they're the most selfish band around.


And don't get me started on the Bird Machine. I'll bet they're doing 'pro bono' posters for some of this stuff! CHRIST ON A CRUTCH HOW SELFISH CAN YOU GET.

I hope some of the rest of you are paying attention to this. Their greed must be stopped. PM me for sabatoge ideas.

= Justin

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