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favorite drum sounds

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:18 am
by huismn5150_Archive
Just sittin here bored reading the forum. What are some of your guys favorite albums for the drum sounds?

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:51 am
by mkoren_Archive
Most Zeppelin, Albini Stuff (surprising , I know), both Hot Snakes albums, Blood Sugar Sex Magik (not the songs, just the drum sound ), Radiohead's OK Computer... that's all I can remember right now.

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:37 pm
by Mazec_Archive
Pylon - Gyrate- The production of this early '80s album is probably the kind of shit a lot of people on this forum would hate, but I think it's awesome. Drums are full sounding and way up in the mix, with a fair bit of reverb on them, heavily flanged bass, great shit. It's definitely not the "record it exactly the way it sounds live" style of production, but it's not that overdone, either.

Siouxise and the Banshees - Juju: Also a dated-sounding album, but the drums sound great, in a 1981 way. The intro to "Sin in My Heart" has a particularly classic post punk drum sound.

The Ex- Starters Alternators - Although I don't always think that Albini's drum sound is necessarily the best ticket for certain types of heavy shit, the drum sound (and playing) on this album couldn't have been much better under any circumstances. "Frenzy," "The Art of Losing" and "Lump Sum Insomnia" are particularly memorable for the drumming.

Wire "Practice Makes Perfect" - Gotobed's muted rimshots are understated but effective. When the band kicks in after the bass intro, his drumming adds to the nervosity considerably.

Big Black - "Il Duce" - First, this is not a joke. Despite being a drumbox, the lock-step beat on the intro followed by the bass guitar diving in is truly a memorable moment.

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:06 pm
by skatingbasser_Archive
Although this thread probably belongs in the General Discussion area...

If you're going after that standard, modern, present, commercial "good" drum sound I think Bear Vs Shark's second album does it well without over doing it like so much other pop music.

Martin Bisi's work on the new Dyshythmia record is awesome. Lots of presence (obviously with a metal band) and clean, but still sounding natural.

I think Al Sutton has made my favorite Che drum sound on the new Caballero record. The drum sound is more present as well. Doesn't sound as polished as above.

I think Steve's drum sound on American Don is better suited for that style of material than Al's would have been, and is the favorite of mine for more ambience. Crazy natural.

The drum sound on Fuck World Trade (engineered again by Steve) are another one of my favorites.

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:19 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
m.koren wrote:...both Hot Snakes albums...

there's three.

automatic midnight.
suicide invoice.
audit in progress.

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:58 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Skinny Puppy's "Too Dark Park" has some great drum work, and pretty much any Fugazi album. Tool, too.

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:29 pm
by fakiekid_Archive
love ben harpers drummers sound!

travis barker has a great sound but you cant beat the old blood sugarsex magic!

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:56 pm
by lilkim_Archive

favorite drum sounds

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:47 pm
by cwiko_Archive
fakiekid wrote:travis barker has a great sound
