ATLANTA - About one in 150 American children has autism, an urgent public health concern, said U.S. health officials Thursday who reported on the largest study done so far on the troubling disorder.
The new numbers, based on 2002 data from 14 states, are higher than previously reported.
and say this:
Also, the study does not answer whether autism is increasing — a controversial topic, driven in part by the contention by some parents and advocates that autism is linked to a vaccine preservative. The best scientific studies have not borne out that claim.
"We can't make conclusions about trends yet," because the study's database is too new, said Catherine Rice, a CDC behavioral scientist who was the study's lead author.
Bullshit. It's the mercury in the vaccines. The parents know it. They have a normal child, and after the third round of shots, autism appears.
How can they say "we don't know if autism is increasing"?? The numbers don't lie.
That's eleven years. Autism used to be much more rare in this country.