Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?

Total votes: 3 (21%)
Total votes: 11 (79%)
Total votes: 14

Either-Or: Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?

Dostoevsky...Crime and Punishment was absolutely great...The Brothers Karamazov was a little disappointing though...i haven't read anything else for Tolstoy years ago i tried to make it through one of his "short" stories and only got halfway through...i'm more resilient now, i plan on trying that "The Death of Ivan Ilych" and Other Stories again in the near future...we'll see if i change my mind...i can't see any of his stuff being as good as Crime and Punishment though...

as for Nabokov, you know he absolutely hated's almost pointless to single any one writer out...even with the ones he DID like, his compliments were generally somewhat backhanded dealing with one of X's stuff being great and the other half being terrible...not a man of many kind words (as far as literature goes...)
placeholder wrote:I'm in The Family Ghost. I don't like mentioning my band by name too much because I feel cheesy doing it.

Either-Or: Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?

i don't think Dos. is misanthropic. if anything he lieks people ("most people") too much. i consider him a very conservative writer, actually. he shouldn't be confused at all with his most liberated, out-there characters. at one point he may have been like raskolnikov or ivan, but you can tell from the way he presents these chacters that their view poitns are far removed from his own.

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