Can you work for me on Saturday?

Hey man, what days you have off?
Saturday and Sunday? Oh cool, hey man whatcha say you work my Saturday....yeah, this Saturday....
Woah, woah don't say no just yet you haven't even heard my offer.
I know Saturday's suck but this is what I'm work this Saturday for me and I'll not only work your Thursday and Friday next week but I will throw in one extra day for you to call me on any time over the next six months. Except when I'm on my trip out west, that's the first week of May.
That's three fucking days I am offering you just to work this one Saturday.
It's not even gonna be that bad, I start at 4am so that's only 4 or 5 flights....6 at the most if they put you on 12. Nah, it's here at MDW on Saturday all day ain't gotta fly anywhere. Just bullshit little shit, nothing really. Tom will be boss that day so you could probably even get away with hiding out all day if you wanted, he don't know shit about shit.
Yeah I know Tom's a real dumb ass. See when he backed down when Eddie the Arab was in his face? What a punk. Anyway, you gonna work for me or what?
Nah, nah it's not that bad getting up that early. Me? I wake up at 2:30 but I live kinda'd have to get up, what...2:45 or 3 if ya wanna chance it.
I can't call in, I don't wanna use up one of my call off days I need them for that trip I'm taking to Vancouver in case I get stuck up there since I can't use my passes to get out of there. I can't find an airline we do business with that goes from Vancouver to Seattle. BCAir? They fly the old RJ's delta used to use, right? One crashed a few years back? Yeah fuck that, I ain't flying on no old ass fucked up RJ with some mountain man bear trapper pilot shooting at elk from the cockpit. Fuck that, it's always the little planes that crash.
So, we on for this or what?
Dude, how ya gonna say no to this deal? You ain't getting any better deal from anyone.
You yourself said you might come in that morning anyway. Yeah I know you won't get the double time because it's a swap that's why I'm offering three fucking days.
C'mon, man.
Fuck, dude.
Fine fuck it.
Who else is off on Saturdays?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Can you work for me on Saturday?

Man you still owe me for the fuckin Series tickets, the fuck can I believe you about any bullshit? And what if I work Saturday and you get fired which is about even money and then I did it for no payback and you probably still ain't paid for them by then?

You give me the two hunnert and then I listen to your crazy story Saturday bullshit.

We on for the bar later?
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Can you work for me on Saturday?

steve wrote:Man you still owe me for the fuckin Series tickets, the fuck can I believe you about any bullshit? And what if I work Saturday and you get fired which is about even money and then I did it for no payback and you probably still ain't paid for them by then?

You give me the two hunnert and then I listen to your crazy story Saturday bullshit.

We on for the bar later?

Dude, I thought we had an undertstanding about the tickets. You'll get your money like I said, it's just gonna take me a little while to get it together. I told you my car got fucked up, remember I was late that one day? Cost me like 400 bucks to get the piece of shit up and running again. Then I had to go to the dentist, that was another 200 bucks...all this happened right after another. I'm not even mentioning the 300 dollar electric bill I just discovered, my wife 'forgot' to pay it for 3 months.
So yeah, I'm sorry but paying you for the tickets is on the list man, I know it's some bullshit but that's as good as I can give you right now.
This is the main reason I'm trying to work all these hours man, to get you back. For real, I feel bad.
Where you guys going? C's? Who's all going?
Yeah I'll stop by for a second, I can't be sitting there all night though I got band practice tonight.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Can you work for me on Saturday?

Man, that's my favorite time to lay at home in bed with the wife. She's been making me go to the puncturist on Friday night and they stick those needles in ya, and light that shit on fire, it leaves welts, it keeps her off my back, youknowwhati'msayin, and I'd have to get up a lot earlier than 2 to make it there, and that's a pain all sore like that, why don't you ask smitty? I got the crossword to do.

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