Guitarists you like that use the whammy bar
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:13 pm
Inspired by the "To trem or not to trem" thread in the tech room.
Sit back and think for a minute: How many guitarists that you like actually use the vibrato bar as a regular element of their style?
I thought pretty hard and I could only come up with Sonic Youth.
Also David Byrne has used the whammy bar from time to time, but it's hardly a trademark of his. Plus, I think he has used a whammy pedal more often.
At any rate, it amazed me how many of my favorite players either never touch or hardly ever use the bar.
John McGeoch, for instance, I'm pretty sure he only played Les Pauls and other Gibsons with the standard bridge.
I don't think Andy Gill ever used it either.
Mr. Albini seems to get whammy-like sounds from time to time ("Rush Job," for instance) on a Travis Bean, which would seem to be impossible other than bending behind the nut.
Duane Denison: also full-time non-whammy player.
Wire: no evidence of whammy use on at least the first 3 records.
So, are there any major vibrato bar users you're into?
Sit back and think for a minute: How many guitarists that you like actually use the vibrato bar as a regular element of their style?
I thought pretty hard and I could only come up with Sonic Youth.
Also David Byrne has used the whammy bar from time to time, but it's hardly a trademark of his. Plus, I think he has used a whammy pedal more often.
At any rate, it amazed me how many of my favorite players either never touch or hardly ever use the bar.
John McGeoch, for instance, I'm pretty sure he only played Les Pauls and other Gibsons with the standard bridge.
I don't think Andy Gill ever used it either.
Mr. Albini seems to get whammy-like sounds from time to time ("Rush Job," for instance) on a Travis Bean, which would seem to be impossible other than bending behind the nut.
Duane Denison: also full-time non-whammy player.
Wire: no evidence of whammy use on at least the first 3 records.
So, are there any major vibrato bar users you're into?