I wanna learn about some really good beers.
I'm not talking about your average beer.
I'll start with one of the best examples of what I consider really good beer to be Delirium Tremens.
It's your job to list more.
Really Good Beers
2Pabst Blue Ribbon! You fucking pussy!
Just kidding. I'm actually curious about this thread myself. How does one classify a "good" beer?
Just kidding. I'm actually curious about this thread myself. How does one classify a "good" beer?
Really Good Beers
3Magic Hat #9. Genius.
Also Keegan Ales: Hurricane Kitty, Old Capital, and Mother's Milk. Brewed up here in Kingston NY.
Also Keegan Ales: Hurricane Kitty, Old Capital, and Mother's Milk. Brewed up here in Kingston NY.
Really Good Beers
4this is an example of a good beer.Boombats wrote:Magic Hat #9
I'm looking for an example of a really good beer.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Really Good Beers
5probably my favorite beer. if you ever get a chance, by some bottles. not the cans.
grain belt premium lager
I'm not a huge fan of really dark beers, unless it's something like a microbrew, or german. I prefer not to drink light beers, I'll drink anything when it comes down to it, but I prefer, something such as a grainbelt, spotted cow, pbr, bass, highlife. something I can find locally, I don't really go out searching for obscure brews.
grain belt premium lager
I'm not a huge fan of really dark beers, unless it's something like a microbrew, or german. I prefer not to drink light beers, I'll drink anything when it comes down to it, but I prefer, something such as a grainbelt, spotted cow, pbr, bass, highlife. something I can find locally, I don't really go out searching for obscure brews.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.
Really Good Beers
7anything by rogue or three floyd's or lagunitas. go to west lakeview liquors (addison & leavitt) - they've got the good stuff. also dogfish head - especially the 120 ipa & the malt liquor (which comes in a 40 oz bottle, yet doesn't taste like fermented sugarpiss).
Really Good Beers
8I enjoy the Chimay quite a bit. I'm actively looking for better.nihil wrote:Chimay, Westmalle Triple. But what type of beer do you like?
I will give another example and say anything by the Samuel Smith brewery is worth drinking.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Really Good Beers
9If you are ever in Milwaukee, PM me, or any member of the HI-Fi really and we will take you on the http://www.lakefrontbrewery.com/ lake front brewery tour, you will be sauced on the best beer you can drink...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.
Really Good Beers
10Christopher J. McGarvey wrote: I'm actively looking for better.
Westvleteren 12, Rochefort 10, Saison Dupont.