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GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:49 pm
by grisgris_Archive
does anyone have any suggestions about other bands like gybe (all their side projects) explosions in the sky, mogwai. im in "that" phase these days i need more bands.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:01 pm
by Jon_Archive
billie mahonie = good
also, check out a band called up c down c ( suprisingly enough!) - they are thaumaturgicly good.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:05 pm
by Rog_Archive
I've never actually heard God Speed..., but I think I get the
You might like Robert Scott's "The Creeping Unknown".
It's mostly instumental stuff. Fairly different from The Bats.
From 2000? It's on Thirsty Ear in the U.S..

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 7:59 pm
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
Labradford. If you dont already know them that is. Start with Mi Media Naranja.

Set Fire to Flames is an interesting GYBE spinoff. Actually I cant remember if thats the name of the band or the album. A Silver Mt Zion are the best sideband of theirs though.

And of course if anyone asks for new music, I always have to reccomend Paul Newman. If you like Mogwai and EITS you'll like them.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:30 am
by Andrew L_Archive
GSYBE's label-mates Do Make Say Think are better than GSYBE in my books. I like their last two albums best.

Set Fire to Flames is an interesting GYBE spinoff.

Their last double album was a double waste of my time, both times I listened to it. Next time someone wants to mic a 60 w light bulb, play three notes of slide, and package it up all fancy like with blurry black & white photos of passing traffic, count me out. But one of the 13 people in SFTF has (had?) a 3-piece mathy band called Weights & Measures that I liked. They're on Matlock records, which includes (and is run by folks from) North of America and The Plan - the latter of whom kick ass.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:52 am
by kerble_Archive
Check out 12Twelve from Barcelona. Very stunning live and they recorded their disc in Studio A last summer. They're on Boacor out of Madrid. You might have to mailorder it, but the song "Alcatraz" alone is worth the price of admission.


GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:58 pm
by baron von schtak_Archive
Rotten Tanx wrote:Labradford. If you dont already know them that is. Start with Mi Media Naranja.

Set Fire to Flames is an interesting GYBE spinoff. Actually I cant remember if thats the name of the band or the album. A Silver Mt Zion are the best sideband of theirs though.

And of course if anyone asks for new music, I always have to reccomend Paul Newman. If you like Mogwai and EITS you'll like them.

Think you've hit the spot with most of the bands you mention here, the only other thing I'd mention (but in a more metalish vaguely gothy style) is The God Machine, they had the intensity of the peak of GYBE's build ups, but in a 3 piece :)
Check out scenes from the 2nd storey.

My band used to have a bit of a GYBE vibe, but we lean a lot more to a Loop/Main type sound now.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:26 am
by ochre_Archive
you might like my band if you like that kind of music....

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:42 pm
by larry bird_Archive
yeah definately check out do make say think. they are great. thier newest album especially.

also, mono. the album, one step more and you die. similar to mogwai.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:58 pm
by slowriot_Archive
if you can find a copy of mono's new album (it's out in some countries, but not in the us for another couple months), it's got some very godspeed-esq tracks.

it's got a really long title, something like "walking cloud and deep red sky, flags fluttered and the sun shined" or something.