Holy. Fucking. Mother. Of. God. Almighty.
The Melvins will be performing their classic albums "Houdini" (on July 20th) & "Lysol/Eggnog" (July 21st) in their entirety!
Now, according to my source this show has not actually been confirmed...however, Slim's has posted the dates on their website and the tickets are to go on sale this Sunday (5/27) at 10:00...at which time I will be camped out in my sleeping bag in front of the ticket booth in my pajamas.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
2i would rather not divulge the amount of $$$ i'd pay to hear those albums live. especially the second two.
i saw them in 2000 and they played The Maggot pretty much in it's entirety if i recall. needless to say it was bad ass...
i saw them in 2000 and they played The Maggot pretty much in it's entirety if i recall. needless to say it was bad ass...
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
3ChristopherM wrote:Holy. Fucking. Mother. Of. God. Almighty.
The Melvins will be performing their classic albums "Houdini" (on July 20th) & "Lysol/Eggnog" (July 21st) in their entirety!
Now, according to my source this show has not actually been confirmed...however, Slim's has posted the dates on their website and the tickets are to go on sale this Sunday (5/27) at 10:00...at which time I will be camped out in my sleeping bag in front of the ticket booth in my pajamas.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
5Odd that they would pick the worst venue in the Bay Area for this show.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
6dabrasha wrote:Odd that they would pick the worst venue in the Bay Area for this show.
They always play Slims. I think their agent has a relationship with that venue.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
I was no fucking shit trying to decide earlier today if I loved Lysol or Houdini more. Now I don't have to choose. If they stop in Portland and play Bullhead I may have to off myself right after the show, as it will surely be the sustained climax of my existence. I am seriously changing life plans to accommodate this blessing.
AND IT'S ALL AGES. I may cry.
Thank you so much for posting this. I wouldn't have thought to check, otherwise. And please excuse the profanities--I'm a bit overexcited.
I was no fucking shit trying to decide earlier today if I loved Lysol or Houdini more. Now I don't have to choose. If they stop in Portland and play Bullhead I may have to off myself right after the show, as it will surely be the sustained climax of my existence. I am seriously changing life plans to accommodate this blessing.
AND IT'S ALL AGES. I may cry.
Thank you so much for posting this. I wouldn't have thought to check, otherwise. And please excuse the profanities--I'm a bit overexcited.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
8I wish i didn't read this thread.
seething with jealousy.
seething with jealousy.
Stephen Sowley
Capt. James T. Lunatic wrote:I Didn't Fight A Secret War In Nicaragua So You Could Walk These Streets Of Freedom Badmouthing Lady America, In Your Damn Mirrored Sunglasses
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
9Roll call.
Anyone else attending? Show yourselves!
I'll be there both nights. And I mean "there" in the physical capacity alone, of course.
Anyone else attending? Show yourselves!
I'll be there both nights. And I mean "there" in the physical capacity alone, of course.
Bay Aryans: Melvins @ Slim s July 20th and 21st
10I'll be there both nights of course.
Dunn has bass duty. Nice!
Dunn has bass duty. Nice!
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.